Is Black clover the mc chicken of manga?

Is Black clover the mc chicken of manga?

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>mc chicken
what? i dont know what the fuck that means

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>Is Black clover the mc chicken of manga?
The fuck does that even mean? Are asking if it's bad? Then yes it is the mc chicken.

>he doesn't enjoy a good mc chicken

As in shit? Yeah.

Nah that's Bleach. Black Clover is the filet-o-fish.

Bleach is definitely the crispy buttermilk.

Nothing from mc Donald's is good.

SEESTA LEELEE is the sweet qnd sour sauce of my deek

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Why does asta like her again?

because she is a virgin? I like virgins.
And now that I think of it, fucking a hot nun would be awesome

Asta could do better

How does this work?

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Asspull just like everything else in the series.



A loud autist like him?

All I know is that Black clover is gargabe. Hope that helps


Pretty much.

It will just bubble in mediocrity under the surface, whilst other shonen like KnY take center stage, then when that's gone I guess Jujutsu Kaisen or Kemono Jihen will take over. Tower of God will probably do well in the West.

Asspull, aka the Black Clover standard

Tower of God has fucking shit art

Any good battle shounens out there? (anime)
No 2003 shit

How bad is fairy tail?

Yes we know BC is shit

What the fuck does that even mean?

Okay well if we’re doing food analogies then I’d say Black Clover the cheeseburger of shonen

When you order a cheeseburger you know what you’re getting

Not a bacon cheeseburger not one with mushrooms or even bleu cheese just a cheeseburger

Simple and satisfying but not gonna blow you away

Not great but the girls alright. Very generic but it'll keep you busy for a while.


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Shit. Never knew Oda loathes Tabata that bad.

Holy shit, is this real?

That’s sad if you think about it, the creator of One Piece knows how unoriginal and bland BC is.

I read that as EMCEE chicken instead of McChicken from the fastfood chain and thought you were refering to Asta being a shorty

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