Let's assume they all want to fuck Shinji. That's one thing. But which of them would be willing to have his child...

Let's assume they all want to fuck Shinji. That's one thing. But which of them would be willing to have his child? Go all the way? Bring his baby into the world?

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Rei may be the most motherly, but deep down I think Asuka is most likely to be a mother

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Asuka: Doesn't want to have children
Rei: Biologically sterile can't reproduce.

That leaves Misato.

If you are going to talk about what's canon then its anyone but Asuka seeing as how she has a trauma with her own mother and actually says she would never be a mother while she was on her period. My wish would be that she grows out of her trauma and becomes a great mother to shinji baby

why would anyone want that

i want to put my baby in Asuka

Doesn't matter because Shinji is too much of a beta bitch to go all the way with any of them

Unless he's trapped in the Eva with one of them, then they can't say no.

You know, because of the implication.

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you fucked it up.

user, Shinji's the one who's gonna get raped

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Considering Mari wanted to fug Shinji's mom in the manga, yeah, she'd probably be down with that.


Reminder that Mari is going to win the Shinjibowl in 3.0+1.0

>Biologically sterile can't reproduce
so based

He's definitely too much of a beta bitch for Misato but whenever he's in a sexual situation with someone his age he lets the situation happen until they call it off. He remained on top of Rei until she told him to move, he let Asuka suffocate him during the kiss and she was the one who ran away, he was going for Asuka when she snuck into his bed and only stopped when she started crying, and he let Kaworu seduce him. He only outright declined Misato and Kaji.

If Misato asked Shinji to put a baby in her he might do it. He might do it for Asuka, too.

The only one who's going to win anything in 3.0+1.0 is Anno, and the only one who's going to lose anything is the viewer.

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Is Rei the clone of Shinji's mother?

Oh, user...

>seeing as how she has a trauma with her own mother and actually says she would never be a mother while she was on her period.

Reminder that this merely reinforces the idea that Rei represents woman as mother, Asuka represents woman as lover, and Misato represents woman as real life. Rei and Asuka are archetypes who represent their respective ends of the Madonna-Whore Dichotomy. Rei is the Madonna and Asuka is the Whore. Both fully embody opposite ends of man's interaction with woman.

Misato, on the other hand, represents women as they actually exist, not pure Madonnas or pure Whores but a mix of the two. This is shown by her hair color (purple) being a mix of Rei's (blue) and Asuka's (red).

Relevant to this thread, this means that Shinji should definitely have a child with Misato, because Misato is the only actual real woman in his life. Rei and Asuka are archetypes, not real human beings.

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Asuka ofc
Rei is clone of Shinji's mother, so that would be weird.

neither Rei nor Asuka are remotely fit to be mothers and I'm pretty sure Rei physically can't have kids
Misato is a bad choice to be a mother too given her own background, but she definitely has the highest chance of actually making the attempt and not entirely fucking it up.

shinji has been inside his mom many times. owo

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It's not the weirdest thing in this anime.

eva marathon at my house tomorrow. we can watch it together and snuggle as i explain the show.

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You know she's his mother, right retard?

This is the correct answer. Anno hates us to his very core for liking his work for the wrong reasons.

ITT: user makes a thread revolving around his thin-veiled fetish

Hey, if mybdad had good taste like that I fucken would.