Seriously what the fuck is his problem?

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This image only really highlights his incredible development. Just made me wanna reread it again

This is literally a brainlet tier drawing. He wants to kill the people taking his freedom. At first he thought his enemies were the mindless titans attacking the walldians but now he knows they were just tools.

His ambitions are the same. To kill the people taking his freedom.

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His flat character arc really is the stuff of legends.

He realised who his true enemies really were

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Well technically he never changed. So yeah you have a point. The thing that changed was the world around him. The monsters he wanted to kill suddenly changed from titans to his government to the world.

Manlet incel rage

do shonenshitters really find SnK this hard to understand?

He's 6 feet tall what are you talking about
He fucked historia.

What a brainlet. As expected of western "artist".

Here comes the headcannon

well aren't you just a literary analyst supreme

fuck off faggot

the projection is real. Imagine people who fucking coom themselves over "development" sarcastically calling someone a "literary analyst supreme." Learn some self reflection and then kill yourself.

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I didn't understand a single word you said lmao

you have to go back

make me

make me make you.

He just found out who the real enemies were retard. Stop spamming your shitty woke images here

Sasuki Itachi dude

Eren is nothing like Sasuke

>Eren is nothing like Sasuke
somebody please post the “I am free” speech with that sasuke panel

Yeah Eren is more like Hinata.

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he's literally sasuke if sasuke didn't have a competent Naruto to counter him

It's why the manga is ending with it's protagonist trying to destroy his entire world and will probably succeed

Dont forget according to some people what Eren did there was fucked up. Apparently human traffickers that kill loving parents in order to sell their children as sex slaves dont deserve to die

Sasuke wanted revenge until like the last few chapters of naruto which isn't comparable to Eren's current motives. So unless you're talking about his plan to become hokage from the shadows its a nonstarter.

Even if you are talking about that it's also completely counter to Eren's motives in that Eren would never give up his freedom for world peace. That is completely antithetical to Eren's ideals see:

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Either way it’s the main character of a series taking sole action over his entire world in a negative way

Big no no when it comes to being a hero

Yeah Eren's not a hero nor does he want to be. He just wants to be free and raise his child. He doesn't want to larp as superman.

Not sure why you think it's a good thing to have a hero complex when its actually extremely unhealthy and a mental illness.

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his hair looks really greasy

What development

He went from
>We showed Zeke and those titans who's boss!!

>Zeke and I are conspiring to kill everybody except titan people

In a span of an abrupt timeskip. No explanation provided.

protip: read slower

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You just ignore the almost 100 chapters preceding that? keep crying contrarian fag

>I didn't read any of the dialogue and now this series makes no sense, how could this be happening to me?

he doesn't really have any character growth and is pretty flat but the world moves at such a fast pace the he can only stay static for so long that it ends up dragging him t change, I woudn't call it character devlopment per say or do I really like him personally but it works I guess and Arin is a last interesting, or at least is part in the story services the rest well enough

Killing people without any sense of guilt whatsoever usually indicates a lack of empathy or understanding of fellow human beings. If you kill a 35 year old man, it's not like that person only existed in the moment you comprehended their presence. They existed for 35 years. They were born. They had biological parents. They may have had children themselves. Even if they lived in the dregs of society being abused by a single parent and stealing and trampling on others to survive, that doesn't make them a moustache-twirling villain. They're not gleefully dancing around corpses going on about how they love making the world a worse place. Nobody spends 35 years being pure evil.

I'm not saying that Eren was wrong in killing them to ensure his own survival and the survival of their hostage. It was really his only choice, though I doubt they were going to kill him until after he slit one of their throats. If you're in a kill or be killed situation that you didn't initiate, it's hard to blame you for fighting for your life or the life of another person. But still, taking another human life isn't something any functioning human being should gloss over. Eren only took it lightly because he was a kid. As an adult doing this mass genocide, he understands the severity of his actions, but it has always been in his character to fight for the freedoms of those he cares about, even if it requires killing.

People really need to get over this anime youtube reviwer mindset that character development means the character needs to change. The characters do not need to change. Change for change sake is ideology.

A flat character arc where a character stays consistent but needs to face different scenarios is perfectly good writing and healthy.

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