
Happy birthday Biribiri!

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Other urls found in this thread:


It's gonna be May.

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I wish I was Kuroko

>those boobs
That's not Mikoto.

We love Mikoto!

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Ayu was a victim of her own insecurities, not something that Touma could have saved her from

>when you ruin Christmas for everyone the world over by being an attention whore self hating emo
Just get mikoto to stab you like a real man would, jesus christ.

>Steven universe artstyle

Birthday girl! She’s a birthday girl it’s M I K O T O, Yea! and when you sing this song with her you won’t sing it alone no no! Now come and party with the group these girls are having so much fun! No you do not need an invitation come play in the sun! sun! sun!

Now growing up is fun and so we, play and play and play! But don’t forget the time is passing faster by the day day day! And so we’ll see you very soon Mikoto keep your spirits high! Your next birthday is on the way! May is coming day by day! Mikoto’s love is here to stay!!!!!! And friendship is not far away!

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Can Mikoto beat Minor Arcana birdway?

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Finally good thread.

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I'd make her stab me so I bet I'm not invited.

Happy Birthday, Mikoto!

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>celebrating a fictional character's birthday

Nigga what? Get your eyes checked

Namirin sings Only My Railgun for the boys.


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I’m not in the mood today user. You don’t talk to me today.

where do you think you are?

hello everyone. i'm doing something a little unorthodox and posting the weekend doujins a day early while it's still biribiri day in tokyo time.

please enjoy (C92) [Nora姉様 (一志ピューマ)] MIKOぶっく3 (とある科学の超電磁砲)

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this one is short, but i have another prepared

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Cat ears! Cat ears!

as always, these are resized to fit under 4mb. the full size files are available on sadpanda, and i'll also include a separate download link at the end

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I’d rather you not post it.


i think pyuma does nekomimi well. i see a lot more of raika's animal ones for some reason.

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I agree. I’d rather post fun memories we all have with Mikoto.


did you have a bad day?

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Shut the fuck up worm, you dont tell me what to do. No one wants to hear about your feelings or menstruation or whatever else your ugly donkey bitch face has to say, ok? Nobody. Not a single fuckin person. Post Mikoto or get the fuck out of here.


as much as i would dislike to side with mp, i have been up for 26 hours, i might cut this off at one doujin and then post a full link to the other before i pass out

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No. I’m just mad that I’m too tired already to go on and the thread just started. I had a very tiring day today. I was all over the place running around town and now I’m too tired.


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It’s actually spelled “okay” user. Just so you know..


i'm sorry to hear that user. perhaps tomorrow will be better. did you at least enjoy episode 13?

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Shitkoto a shit.

No, I was promised DRAGONS. R/a/ildex lied to me.

>retarded donkey noises
Nobody cares you buck toothed ogre


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dragons in 2+ weeks i'm afraid. at least kuroko's fight was terrible

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I will most likely be busy tomorrow but I’ll come in and make some fun posts for the birthday thread if it’s still up. The Kuroko was good but short but I guess it doesn’t take long to whoop a purple wannabe out of her own religion of chaos when she’s threatening your best friend. Overall it was much more than I needed since I was only expecting a recap episode.

i've also uploaded (C95) [Nora姉様 (一志ピューマ)] MIKOぶっく5 (とある科学の超電磁砲)

both should be visible in an hour on sadpanda. this one is at least 26 pages instead of 10

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here's a download link to all the images, can't forget that.

i did not appreciate the recap later. hopefully dream ranker is fully realized

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I meant the Kuroko fight but I’m too tried to delete the post and fix it properly. I’m just too tired and I need to go to sleep so I can feel better for tomorrow. Happy birthday to Mikoto and have fun in the birthday thread everybody except Tsuchi, preggo and Thor. Make this a fun thread worth remembering anons!

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ok i'm definitely passing out.
here's one last image i'm leaving you with for tonight, Zig Forums.

there's 23 more in the pastebin above, and that includes a double-page of pyuma's superb imouto pantsu shot, along with two pages with index (the girl)

sorry i didn't post everything here, usually i'm not up this least. please have a good saturday. happy birthday biribiri

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Touma is going to wake up soon and realize he's be dreaming since he got hit with the feather.

up this late*

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thank you doujin user

Tsuchianon has contributed more to Mikoto birthdays threads than you ever will

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Thanks user

I miss him desu

Ahhhh nutted to mai waifu.

Happy B-day, best girl.

Fucking goose bumps.

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