Shingeki no Kyojin Volume 9 Storytime

Volume 8: Beginning the third arc in Attack on Titan, which is generally regarded as the point where the series really starts ramping up in terms of quality, I present to you Volume 9.
In the last volume we "discovered" that the female titan was Annie, and to stop Eren from being turned over to the Military Police, the Survey Corps launched an operation to capture Annie / the FT in the outer district of Wall Sheena: Stohess District. After a bloody and destructive battle between Eren and Annie, Annie lost and created a crystal of hardening around herself. She was captured, but she's now essentially asleep in her impenetrable shell. Because of the damage to the walls during the battle, a part of them broke off to reveal that there was a fuckhuge titan in it, and the Survey Corps captured Wallist leader Pastor Nick so that they can hopefully get answers out of him. We left off with random titans approaching the 104th side characters in bumfuck, nowhere within Wall Rose, implying that the wall had been breached.

Remember to tag any spoilers and to spoiler any images that look like manga pages. This is not the shitposting thread. I hope you enjoy monkey trouble.

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Truthfully, the first half of this arc really is nightly, so I don't mind having the threads this late.

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Is this around when hanjo does that thing to the priest

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You're probably referring to the scene at the end of last volume, but we do have some hange / nick interactions in this vol.

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I miss the character who had a strong nose, forgot his name but anyways fuck Zeke

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Damn. He was a one and done, wasn't he?

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Isayama had to nerf Mike here to have everything after RTS happen. My man Mike was too OP.

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>As long as we keep fighting, we haven't lost
Mike is based

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Connie knows something really fucked is about to happen.

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He's a very reactive person.

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look at this humongous lad

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There goes that trust word again...

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pronounced mee-kay

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Enter Monkey Man
Fuck Zeke

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This was the first chapter I read after having caught up almost 8 years ago now. This troublesome monkey was really unsettling when he first appeared.

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Yeah, no one really knew what the fuck was up with him. He was just a troublesome monkey.

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