
Reminder that Maria has brainwashed people in the name of protecting Bakarina.

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Is she just going to rape her at some point?

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No. Mary isn't a rapist. She's a devious vixen of a witch but she won't rape Katarina.

On the subject, what did she mean by this?

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Come to think of it, it always seemed to me like Monkey's favorite character in Fortune Lovers was probably Maria. She didn't seem to have much attachment to the actual capture targets. I mean she seemed to like them okay, but it doesn't seem like she had a husbando.

>get almost raped in later volumes
So I just ask how come the head of the culprit is still attached to his body?
What is the excuse?

Would-be rapist was stopped by Baka's future boss and arrested, now works for the government and no longer trying to rape her I think.
Gilford mainly stops at sexual harassment by kissing her whenever he feels like.
Keith pretended he was gonna rape her to scare her straight but she forgot about it the next day.

LN readers would know that Mary has started to develop a little feeling for Alan and vice versa

How boring. Though I suppose if the author was never gonna give them any focus, this is the only path left. Still boring.

Yuriniggers btfo

If Mary falls for someone else, there's no more point to her. Her main draws as a character are largely reliant on her attraction towards Katarina. If you get rid of that attraction and have her fall for her actual fiance, then it pretty much destroys most of her foundations as a character.

What are you basing that on? She's already been grooming and lying to Katarina for years, trying to turn her away from the idea of marrying Genie and becoming royalty.

Because rape implies force, coercion and/or violence, and Mary would never use those kinds of methods. She would never hurt Katarina.

Listen up! Lady Katarina is a pure, beautiful, delicate flower who needs to be treated with gentle love and overflowing affection. Yes she climbs trees and works in fields, but in bed she's as innocent and weak as a child (probably)! You cannot be rough with her, you cannot force her, you must gently ease her into it! If she says she's not comfortable with something, you mustn't force it! If you try to force it, you're no better than a certain worthless prince who only knows how to think with his lower section.

Anime original content soon.

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Where's the black uniforms and masquerade one from?

Anime original I pressume.

>tfw Nicol got all the good anime original stuff.
Guess even the author realise how much the Ascarts are getting shafted.

Now go give Alan more scene.

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>no Anne or Acchan

I'm not really the target audience, but this is the most adorable shit.

>Keith pretended
He was gonna do it

>that last image
Who is she doing that for? Who is she looking at? Is she looking at me? She's looking at me, right?

Based pajama party!

Bit of a jumble up mess. Can any sourcefag guess how the episodes go now?

A lot of it seems to be anime original? I certainly don't remember any part in the novels where Katarina wore a mask. Maybe it comes up in a later short story. I also don't really recall any part where the boys are all together in a dark, shady place. Actually a large number of these scenes seem to take place at night, but I don't remember that many notable night scenes this early on in the series.

It's been so long since I last read it but aren't the dark cavern/dungeon parts during the final arc?

Acchan is too important to ignore. Anne's definitely getting shafted though. A shame.

She's looking at best girl Atsuko.

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Final part of the second volume takes place in a school storage room. The location of those shots look a bit different. Then again, maybe they're taking a different route, which would honestly kind of surprise me considering how much they copied the visuals of the manga. I mean, even the design and personalities of the inner Katarinas are lifted directly from the manga, you know? In the novels, there are only three Inner Katarinas and none of them are particularly distinct from one another.

I think I'm seeing
>Summer break scene (G/Keith)
>Summer break scene (Nicol/Sophie)
>Summer break scene (Alan)
>Cafeteria condemnation scene
>The whole serious dick plotline
>Vol. 5's PJ party mini manga
>Vol. 5's about the factions mini manga
>Manga's extra chapter (pic related)

I think there's at minimum two anime only scenes
>Black unform
>Katarina's hoodie pj(?).

fem keith a cute

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I guess they're added a bit more SoL right after the Summer part just to make the school life a bit more vibrant before the drama train starts with the accusations -> Serious Dick -> final stretch from Acchan to epilogue

Forgot the page.

Yeah, it looked like it might be Nicol focused too, which is cool I guess, he got the least development of them all. And he's not in the school either.

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I want to see Mary get her face stuffed into Katarina's chest and breathe heavily in extreme arousal!

They might end up giving extra focus to both him and Alan. Maybe Mary and Sophia too.

>Girl is engaged to the heir to the throne
>Other people STILL make moves on her
This makes no sense.

fem Alan and Nicol are better.

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