What's the most kino manga right now and why is it Out?

What's the most kino manga right now and why is it Out?

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has the story shifted back to the MC?
I dropped it a while ago when it shifted away to some flashback from hours ago when they told how one of their guys supposedly got killed in the park. It just dragged on.

He literally just showed back up after being MIA for like 50 chapters

Go back.

Better than the gook, chink, and nips isekai trash that flooded every manga site

No chapters ffs


I don't know why everyone is so obsessed with the MC. He's been more audience than cast member since like volume 4. Everyone else is much more interesting.

Wrong board, fag

Better than any romcom shit Zig Forumsutists read now aday

This shit is so good. Truly the delinquent manga of the century.

It started out real good and then it lost all crediblity around here

Why does this manga has so many similar aspects to Tokyo Revenger?

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This is a poor man's Rokudenashi Blues

Jesus you retards really have no patience, aren't you?
It's a fucking gang war and the MC should stay out of it so of course he wouldn't be in the focus.
But well he is back now but I would rather see the bosses of both sides fight each other to death.

Because he's a good character and the main hook that brought a lot of people in. And when he dropped to the background the story went fucking insane, before at the start I though yeah this could have happened, now they've got high school dropouts pulling off some of the most interact plans I've ever seen in manga.

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>It's a fucking gang war and the MC should stay out of it so of course he wouldn't be in the focus.
I wouldn't mind if the gang war wasn't convoluted shit.

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i really like OUT but it kinda took a weird path around here jesus fucking christ that arms and legs knots how does a highschooler do that

This desu.
I do like the MC but some other characters are fun to watch too. I especially like watching Aizakawa (?) fighting.

>What's the most kino manga right now and why is it Out?
I like Baki Dou (2018). But Out is also pretty kino.

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it would be my favorite manga ever if that faggot Tanzawa didn't existed. Do they actually want me to believe a low T twink would ever be the most badass delinquent ever?


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Don't forget that faggot can't even bike. Honestly I could still kinda believe it if he wasn't also some kinda super genius.

Biking also needs talent user.

Unfortunately popularity≠quality


Nikaku is a literal dinosaur who benched close to the real life world record when he was 16. Of course he could.

Oops wrong guy.

I think he might be the most blatant fujo-pandering character ever made, which is frustrating for me because I got into the delinquent genre to run away from this kind of faggotry that is so common in anything made by japs

Nikaku's death was bullshit

>fujo pandering in an Akita Shoten seinen manga
C'mon son. Based on Iguchi Tatsuya's blog, Acchan is/was a guy who really existed and iirc was a hit with the ladies. Bishounen Acchan is just the manga's interpretation of that.

>tfw you'll never meet the real Tanzawa

first: go back
second: the manga became shit when they introduced that faggot with the plushy. might introduce power levels and aura at this point.