Who's your favorite Baki character Zig Forums

Who's your favorite Baki character Zig Forums

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He's pretty based, especially during their first fight

Nomi No Sukune.
I also like Baki a lot, he is a cocky smartass.

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Retsu, Jack, Katsumi
In that order.

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oh no no no no ahahahahaha

Retsu Kaio tied with Doppo.

My nigga RIP .

Watch your mouth boy. The 4000 years of chinese kenpo live again!

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The man who defeated the legend.

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jobber #2

>Retsu dies
>still more relevant in fights than Jack

Don't talk to me or to my best friend's arm ever again.
Jack is stuck in limbo.

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Is this the best clash of fists in the entire manga?

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it was made better by their brotherly moment beforehand

>brotherly moment beforehand
Speaking of that.

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This is better.

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I like this one

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Hanayama fucking Kaoru

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The 5 page Jack vs Pickle uppercut can’t be beaten

Shark Tiger


>when he grabs the guy while baki and his bitch were kissing
best scene in the entire series, such a bro

I'm a karate fag so Doppo but Holy fuck Jack is a close second

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my nigga

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fuck i loved this part

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