Love live nijigasaki confirmed for 2020?
The sunrise spring/summer 2020 anime lineup video has love live in it and it's obviously not airing now in spring, so is it confirmed for summer 2020 (unless corona fucks us)?

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I really hope we get it, if only because we didn't get decent looking cute all girls shows in a while.

i hope it's soon but i don't see how it's happening when they haven't even shown us a second of animation

I'm so cute.

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making the ends of the twintails green was dumb

I hope everyone from µ's and Aqours makes an appearance.

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I hope not, Nijigasaki doesn't need those whores for them to shine.

No thanks, All Stars timeline already makes no sense. Aqours learning to move on from muse is such an integral part of their characters that the whole thing is jarring.

>her gimmick is she uses a notebook to make her facial expressions and every time she does it, she makes a little sound effect
I know idol shows can be very one dimensional with their characters, but board girl is just insulting.

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No, she isnt, in fact she has real nice potential for characterization.
Her face reveal was already my favorite thing about them all.

Perfect example of a Hagfag trying to act like they know something when they really don't, Go back to your JAV whores.

*inhales deeply*

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having a gimmick doesn't mean that's all she is as a character
unless we're talking about yoshiko

The perfect girl doesn't exis-

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Posted the wrong pic there, friend.

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She's so cool.

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Fuck off right out of this thread OrcTaku before I take your head off. Do not think I am not patrollling this thread as well.

Do not think a Knight does not stand ready.
Do not think you can get away with your safe space for hate.

I draw my sword.
I am ready to fight.

i still can't choose between ayumu and kasumi

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Did Rina just wear virgin killer sweater for real?

Nico, Ruby, Rina.
Holy Trinity.

Trinity of what?

Of my heart.

No... I didn't.

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So beautiful.

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It's Yohane...

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It could work in a less serious show with a wobbly timeline, kinda like Isekai Quartet with the love lives.

that's not even her best gimmick

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I don't know, the board has lots of trolling potential, and she doesn't seem as retarded as other overtly gimmicky characters.

They're like a Digimon evolution line

What Love Live really needs is a mecha spin-off. Maybe go with something similar to Macross, so they can still incorporate songs in the story.

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>allowing you to choose
In reality, she's a terrible childhood friend. What were they thinking.