I can't fucking stand this whiny little baby

I can't fucking stand this whiny little baby

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kill yourself then

>How to spot underage poster

Miu is the star of the show and carries it completely.
Miu > Ana > Nobue > Chika > Sasazuka > Satake > Matsuri

Who has the most panty shots though?
Guessing it's also Miu


I don't remember a single panty shot in the entire show, although Miu does look up Ana's angel doppelganger's dress while Miu is dreaming her own after-life and scams her way into Heaven by annoying the shit out of the people in Hell until they have had enough of her and send her upstairs.

there is none. the manga however is full of them. which is why the anime is superior.

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The OVA is full of them, just in that Miu afterlife episode, there were at least half a dozen Micchan panty shots, not to mention it's opening has panty shots of Miu and Ana.
Look harder.

Miu is the only good character

I like them all. But you have to be a lolicons to really like these girls, not an ironic one.

Chika for wife. Miu for pump and dump.

I don't understand why everyone keeps missing the panty shots when it comes to this series.
But this also shows how stupid it is that nowadays we never get any casual Loli panty shots, as it proves that people who aren't looking for them won't get offended, or even notice them, while people who wanted some fan service still got them.
Though how the clothes followed their body shape was also amazing, and the complete opposite of shit like Wataten.

They are all good but Miu makes everything interesting between them.
Now I'm trying to watch similar loli shows but I always feel like I'm missing Miu in every scene.
Like a gag without a final pun.

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I can't stand fucking this whiny little baby

>that art
Jesus, the manga is straight up pedo bait isn’t it?

What? You just have a dirty mind, there's nothing wrong about the manga art. Just cute little girls.

The anime is, too.
Much more lolicious than ANYTHING in the past few years, hell, it trumps Illya's teen looking girls, and the fanservice is subtle yet obvious.

Stop being so edgy, you're scaring the children.

Do not remind me of that utter faggot while we are discussing art
I think the real fan service is how adorable they are. If there was a thousand panty shots I'd be less attached to their characters, I think.
I just had a look, and since you mentioned it, yes you're right, I can see there's a handful of frames where you can see something resembling panties for a moment if you look for it. The fact that I didn't notice at all says something.
It's a wonderful show and the characters are great. I think lolis do not have to be wearing skintight clothes to be appreciated, even if it does help the audience fap. Lolicons can appreciate both.

It's not fair only adult girls can spend their time with little girls, hugging and touching them all the time.

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Just have daughters of your own. That's my plan. At least 3.

No way, you have to engage into sexual interaction with gross adult 3DPD for that.

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What really helps is when they are still drawn in an attractive way, like IM. Compared to lolis these days, where skirts will never follow the shape of their buttocks like with Micchan, or their tummies just won't show, or the short shorts just won't end high enough to show a slightly shapely thigh like with Chika, etc is how you make lolicons like characters less.
Fan service is called what it is for a reason, outright denying it will lead to shit like Wataten.

Worlds youngest mother was impregnated at 4. Just putting this here.

t. miu

Price I'm willing to pay. You can always kill the mother and dissolve her body in a tub of battery acid if you get sick of her. Personally, I want to have a cute onee-san that I am married to and gives me three cute daughters so I can cuddle Christmas cake, JK, JS and JC all at once. That's the dream.

I agree. The lovely thing about 苺ましまろ is that none of the girls wear overtly slutty or lewd clothes (which change every episode too, thank you based artists), yet all of them look delicious and adorable all the time. The only one who I have a problem with the appearance of is Nobue, mostly because she dresses and acts like a boy and that irritates me.


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