How can he seriously say this when he promotes uninspired trash like Boku No Fujo Academia?

How can he seriously say this when he promotes uninspired trash like Boku No Fujo Academia?

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threatened by the KnY chads

He promoted Toriko too and was the main reason behind it's push.

hes right

Link? Is this a new quote? Never seen this one from him.

Was he talking about fairy fail?

Most likely Black Clover.

Dude's just tired of reading about the same stuff. Makes me wonder if Oda went on an Isekai binge one day and just got absolutely fed up over it.

For instance, Oda must lament over the fact that there's absolutely no sort of Wild Wild West-type of manga that is currently ongoing.

He's a voice to millions and telling kids to try to be unique is an incredibly smart thing to say.


All Might = One Piece
Deku = BHA

That's just Jump pushing him to do it. I think he's actually being honest for once when he says this.
And it's true. Some of the best manga out there are found in small time magazine publications.

There're going to be so many people joining this year, I'm a bit scared to participate.

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Because it's one of his assistants or even just some rando from the jump office that wrote that

He should just end One Piece soon and start his own wild west manga instead. There's no reason for a single story to run 20+ years.

>uninspired trash like Boku No Fujo Academia?

Whether you like it or not, there's nothing in Jump like it either in terms of world or in terms of how it utilises powers. There's a reason everyone originally compared it to Western capeshit.

Jezz, I wonder what manga he’s trying to describe... hmmm it has to be a manga that’s still ongoing, unoriginal, in Jump, and one he has never promoted... hmmm...

No he not. Writers are inspite by the world around them, the things they like and the entertainment they consumed. That influence will always be there and affect what they write intentional or unintentional. Writers should write what they want. If they keep worry that some elements of their work is similar to other then they can't never write a decent story cause guess what, that how fiction writing work.

This is in regards to the upcoming manga contest he's a judge on. So it's less commentary on what he wants from the industry and more just what he's looking for as a judge.

>He should just end One Piece soon and start his own wild west manga instead
He already did a one shot years ago.

Being inspired and copying someone else’s work are two completely different things.

>he says, while his life's work is a fanfic of Dragon Ball's first few arcs stretched ad nausea over to almost a thousand chapters

Fiction work will always have some similarity with each others.

But that is pretty much what he said.

>it has to be a manga that’s still ongoing, unoriginal, in Jump, and one he has never promoted
None of them?

>"One Piece" Wild west one shot
I am going to find this.

Are you retarded? Or are you a Clovertard?

Just search for Eiichiro Oda Romance Dawn and read the entire volume.

For the 100st anniversary of the Tezuka Manga Award, they're doing a special contest where they're soliciting manga from outside Japan. Oda and a bunch of other big-name authors (and also the Blue Exorcist author for some reason) are going to be judges. Each judge gave a comment here:

it's a pretty fun read.

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>Romance Dawn
I see, thanks. Why are Japs so good at coming up with names?

Same thing

Where is Trigun Part 2 Electric Boogaloo

What would a sequel to Trigun be like?

>Draw what's not popular
That's still allowing what's popular to taint your vision, when will these pretentious asshats learn that contrarianism is still following the will of society.

that not what he saying you ESL he said it similar to something popular dont do it you can do popular shit and be original about it it still be fine

He's not telling you to be contrarian, he's telling you to not be a sheep.

what the fuck is pretentious about actually being inspired?

That's still allowing trends to determine aspects of your creation, the true path is to not care what's trendy and what's anti-trendy and just write what you want.

He's not telling you to not let trends determine aspects of your creation.

Because he's telling people to change their visions because trends have been set and need to be defined, but art should be ignorant of trends instead of intentionally running against them

Author should write whatever they want and not caring whether or not it similar to a popular work.

thank you

And then your blatant trash rip off of the popular thing will be lost to the annals of time.

Vash continuing to promote Love and Peace.

Fuck, it could be a prequel if it didn't want to mess up any timelines

Attached: Vash.jpg (298x169, 16.01K)

you don't understand and you're not willing to

He is talking about drawning. Oda just want to see original art style.

You're retarded, and you're not willing to be not-retarded.

A writer should care more about telling a story than for whether or not it's a world greatest work of literature. Do you think famous authors write their story to be go down in history?

I'm gonna enter, my art sucks and I have no experience putting together a story but I wanna at least say I entered. Hell knowing that Toriyama or Oda even looked at something I made would fill me with joy.

>implying One Piece is not dogshit too

Trying to be anti trendy is the same as being trendy because you're allowing your work to be perverted by outside forces.

>Do you think famous authors write their story to be go down in history
Slow down when you write, please. And famous artists don't look out to recreate whatever popular trash there is at the time. They look to create something that not only they enjoy but is also unique. The most well known manga are all unique. The most famous movies are all unique. The most famous bands are all unique.

>Dude, you're totally the same by trying to be different!
I have no more interest in attacking anything but your garbage character because your arguments are far too shit to bother with.

Explain why Hairy potter is so popular then.

holy shit why is Zig Forums so stupid. It's like talking to a child.

Just because he promotes it doesn't mean he reads it himself. It's the equivalent of a political endorsement.