Detective Conan

Why would they write a situation this shitty?

Attached: Movie 9.jpg (3847x2129, 882.73K)

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It's a shitty movie


Just end the series already.
Ideally the ending will be as follows:
Conan finally gets an antidote from Ai to permanently change him back and it works. Ai obviously won't use the drug just yet because she's scared of the organisation. Conan is confident he will be able to stop them immediately and isn't worried. Before he can meet Ran again, he sets out to put the nail in the coffin for them: he's in a position to put a stop to it once and for all. There's a dramatic scene or two, one of which is where Kudo tries to avoid being seen by Ran until he's solved the case for good and says stuff like "just a little bit more..." Ai protests a lot, telling Kudo he's being reckless and such and he shouldn't get careless now just because he has his body back. Kudo enlists the help of several of the cast for a final operation, this will span several episodes. Near the climax of this arc, Kudo will give a final explanation/deduction to the villains and say his catchphrase: "there is only one truth!"
Then it is revealed he made a mistake. The tables are turned, and most of the characters are put in mortal danger. This includes Ran, as the organisation understand they can use her again Kudo. He laments his haste and foolishness, but presses on.
Ran is set up in a death trap and Kudo tries to free her. In the end, all he can do is to bargain for him to take her place. Ran is unaware of this situation, and is confused when she is released without a word. She doesn't know what happened. Kudo is last seen with a determined face, he intended to take her place and then find a way out for himself. It cuts away.

The rest of the cast manage to overcome their own issues, there'll be an obligatory scene for Sato and Takagi, of course. In the end, the organisation falls but Kudo is nowhere to be seen. Fears mount, and Ran wonders where Conan is and why she hasn't had a phone call from Kudo in a while. At that moment, she receives a call. Kudo's smug voice is heard, teasing Ran about missing him. She smiles, and calls him an idiot. Cut to the police station after some time, prosecution is going smoothly and everyone is glad it all worked out. Takagi questions why Kudo hasn't shown up to the station for a proper congratulations, but Megure insists he's just being a shown-off.
A scene plays with Agase and Ai still living together, but more solemnly. He tells her she can take the antidote and live on now, telling her she's hurting herself. She gets mad at him, it is implied this conversation has happened before. She leaves and hides in her room, and brings out a cell phone and the voice-changing bow tie. Cut to Ran, and Kudo's voice is heard. It's a mundane conversation, with teasing, insults etc. After the call, Sonoko makes some comment about how unreasonable Kudo is for not showing his face in so long. A final shot of Ai from behind, sobbing quietly as tears fall on the bow tie.
There. Ideal ending.

Possible alternative, Kaito pretends to be Kudo

Attached: whatamireading.gif (480x270, 3.39M)

did he bone her in his little shota form yet? that would be hot.

Haibara is going to die and no way Conan is turning back into Kudo till the climax of that arc.

The manga's art style didn't translate too gracefully to anime, did it?

I guess



>Haibara is going to die
Don't be like that user.

I will be like that

This scene made me so mad she went back on a fucking sinking ship to get a medal made out of seashells, that the kids made in mins, and she never even fucking saw once. Then the she gets knock out like twice by hitting her head against the wall and floor. All of this to create some shitty drama and give the RanXShinichi moment of the movie, which was probably their worst one.


Yea I'd be embarrassed to watch this one with anyone else. My suspension of disbelief has to happen a lot of with Conan and I can usually enjoy the characters but if I have a hard time getting past a stupid action like Ran going back on a sinking ship for a necklace the kids made I'm sure I'd be hearing it from other people that it's retarded for forced drama.

The movie was otherwise good. Kogoro got to be pretty cool and solved the case before Conan.

Still a less infuriating movie than 10. Ran's always been kinda dumb but in Movie 10 they really pissed me off with Kogoro. I don't know why they had a whole thing about him worrying he's not a good enough detective to save the lives of the kids and his daughter, him hitting a low point and calling his wife for her to reassure him he's a good detective and can do it, and then Conan just comes in and knocks him out at the end before he gives his deduction and he's a joke again with his pants down.

The only thing I disliked was that last part like you said. But overall I loved movie 10.

It was fine other than that but it's such an annoying part of the movie that it really drags it down for me a lot.

Hide and seek and that kogoro film were pretty much the only part I enjoyed.

Why would they write a situation this shitty?

Attached: my lover is.png (755x472, 167.37K)


Movie 10 is a blast


Based Bz

I thought it was kitty kitty at first.

Has the plot advanced in any way? Last I remember they found the BO leader’s name.

>Begs Haibara to give him the drugs so he can go on the school trip
>Gets involved in a case and people see it and report it online
This kid is not taking his situation seriously. All of this for a gf he could've start dating years ago.

I don't think so maybe more Rum teasing and Amuro stuff
How did Amuro lose bros?

Not really

How much time has passed canonically from the start of the manga?

+6 months

He's just a regular japanese police. His powerlevel is below FBI and Black Organization.