
VIRAL! continues!

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From now on these threads will be made on weekends. We urgently need editor so if you're up for it be sure to let everyone know. In this thread our main goal is fleshing out Heli-chan and Pompadour.

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So is this gonna be written in Japanese first then translated?

Maybe if we can get a japanese speaking user on board

Fuck off no one cares about this, stop shilling your failed project

No need to be so negative. Thanks for the bump.




The Americans are heading to bed
user-san, I’ll bump to hopefully keep this thread alive for them. Ganbare.

glad to see you fighting the good fight but holy hell its late in burgerland for a thread

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I actually started it so early (for me) in hopes that it would work for both american and european anons. But hey, it's the thought that counts, right? Shame the thread has already been saged, I guess some people just hate others having fun.

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emergency bump

The fact that people keep necrobumping this is a clear sign that Zig Forums doesn't care

Americans are asleep, that's all. A lot of people still show interest.

Is there a central repository for this thing? I want to check it out in a couple weeks after it dies

>7 IPs
>15 posts almost three hours
>needing to be necrobumped multiple times
That's not "a lot of people showing interest" at all

There was an archive in the previous thread, it's outdated though

I miss Gaijin-kun...

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Yes, but good luck. They host it on a public google doc and last time when everybody was there, it kept getting deleted. I'm checking the links again and it's empty. This Zig Forumsditor guy doesn't know how to hold a project.

>Noooo stop having fun!!
What a sad being you are

The google docs are all here
It's hard to do everything myself, you know. It's not my fault the other editors don't bother showing up. I'll do my best to keep this alive though.

You literally just need to make a new google doc set that's invite only. Storing the original savepoints won't do shit.

americans wake up already

I enjoyed the last few threads, hope this one doesn't die



Would anyone like to be an editor? I'm the only one left, and there's no way I could keep this going alone. Doesn't look like the other guys from the first couple of threads are coming back.

>shameless self bump for boring shit project
Kill yourself.

I would still like to see what can be made of it assuming it can stay alive, but the timing of this thread really is poor

I honestly don't know how we could keep this alive.

What keeps enthusiasm high is content. People were constantly posting enough to fill threads over and over because content was being made and it was exciting. The only hope at this point is to either make content oneself or try to draw canons that can make content. That's why the timing is such a key factor, you are basically hoping to catch someone that's on, considering there's no scheduled time or anything, it's purely luck

Okay then, I agree. We should start a discussion, that could make more anons join in. What could be done to flesh Heli-chan out more? So far we've stablished that she's energetic and seeks to have better living conditions.

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I don't think that many anons are awake right now.

Give her a physical disability such as muscular dystrophy or being slavic