ITT: One and only show you will watch on your death bed

ITT: One and only show you will watch on your death bed.

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PriPara is all I need.

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You wouldn't catch me dead watching idolshit.

Imagine ending life without watching the greatest idol anime that mankind has seen.

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PriPara is pretty fucking fantastic, I agree.

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This seaweed > your pizza.

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Dude, I'm poor and nobody loves me, once mom and dad are gone I'm screw, death bed? More like death grass.

PriPara is more than just an idol series though, it needs its own category above all other anime. That, and it's also a mahou shoujo series.

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>nobody loves me
Pic related will change your world.

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I already dropped Aikatsu, though.

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I don't really agree with classifying it as magical girl, though technically it meets the broad genre requirements.
Like, I look at PriPara and I see an idol show and gag comedy. If you ask me if Lala's a magical girl, my reaction is she's a magical idol maybe, so I guess technically...?
But I wouldn't put it on a list of my top magical girl shows or anything.

I have good news for you pal, this isn't idolshit, Aikatsu and Pretty Rhythm/Pripara are idolKINO.

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Based Doroshiiposter

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Well some older magical girl shows are also about magical idols
Also PriPara's story is all about overcoming antagonists and helping various (often magical) friends they meet along the way, with success as idols and competition being just framing. The only time PriPara was like an actual idol series was in season 3. And in the beginning Laala even had to keep her transformed identity a secret!
But actually I think PriPara is more than an idol series, more than a mahou shoujo series, more than a comedy series, pripara is everything.

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>Dramatic shite
It's not shite, and it's not really that dramatic either.

One Piece

Nanoha. Just finished rewatching the first movie, the "call me by my name" part at the end makes me cry every damn time.

The entirety of Gintama

G-spot Express

You think you will be able to have a bone
r in your deathbed?

Upon death, instead of my life I'd like to have a full anime adaptation of YKK flash before my eyes. Provided my brain is capable of creating such a thing.

Monogatari 10/10 times

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Lucky Star.
I just love Kagami so much.

I intend to die in battle at the age of 65, I will be watching the sun as I die

Fullmetal Alchemist. it was the first i ever watched and its still one of my favorites.

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You don't like brotherhood?

its good, and technically its the version i watch first. it feels rushed though, and Fullmetal Alchemist has a better ending in my opinion. and besides, if im at my end, wouldnt i rather watch the version with a happy ending?

i got the versions mixed up. oops, its 4 am sorry. yeah i prefer brotherhood.
