So is this the pinnacle of comedy anime?

So is this the pinnacle of comedy anime?

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Tis but a bump o grass in the shadow of the mountain that is Slayers

Slayers just feels like a mediocre DM's d&d campaign turned anime.

For normalfags, sure.

How does one get into slayers? Seems a bit daunting honestly.

The pinnacle of comedy anime is Teekyu, though?

Slayers is to old for zoomie-zooms to enjoy. Honestly we might be all the better if they did not get into it.

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No it's unironically this. Arguably has better comedic pacing than the manga too and ends at the right time.

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No, the pinnacle of comedy anime is Cromartie High.

Slightly below them is Daily Lives of High School Boys

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Nah this is the pinnacle of comedy anime

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Couldn't even finish the first season.
Don't lie to yourself OP, you don't watch it for the comedy, you watch it cause the girls make your peepee hard

Nope, watch these instead:
Level E
Detroit Metal City
Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
Danshi kokousei no nichijou

>started in 1999
>still hasnt been topped
heres your pinnacle

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For me, it's the Sexy Commando.

There's something brilliant about it.

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It's the pinnacle of reddit


no it's the complete opposite, how many newfags like you has this series brought in who think it's the best? It will be forgotten in 3 years and some new equally bad anime will be in its place.

I laughed more than any other comedy anime
But I don't really watch comedies so idk

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No, it's the pinnacle of all anime.

nope.. not even close

Suggest something better then

Unironically any other anime


>implying that it isn't Nichibros

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this. no other comedy can compare, except maybe Inferno Cop.

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Not even close.

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Panty and Stocking
Sakamoto desu ga?
Sayonara Zetsubou-Sensei
Pop Team Epic

fuck I forgot that existed

this must be the work of DARK REUNION