Pandemic be damned because this is not stopping the 10th anniversary party from Mogra! Tonight we have a rare occurrence: two events in one! Here's your timetable:

15:00 - 15:45 Hokboy
15:45 - 16:30 小太郎
16:30 - 17:15 chefoba
17:15 - 18:00 上海静岡
18:00 - 18:45 melo
18:45 - 19:30 DJ SAAYA
19:30 - 20:15 kei
20:15 - 21:00 とんとん

Due to what's going on worldwide, the next Matrix will be who knows when. Anyway, get in here!

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Other urls found in this thread:

my body is l@dy

Fuck yeah hokboy.

thank goodness i ruined my sleeping schedule the other day

I'm getting up early on a Saturday so this better be good.

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get in here fagets

crap i had the wrong thread

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>missing Oblongar, D-YAMA, esupa, Gyaran, onion, Shawty, and MarGenal

Pick none

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Wait I thought it was cancelled

7am lads lets go

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>bottom right picture
Also, eva was looking into getting into twitch
streaming. Should get him to apply today.

I took a nap 2 hours ago to be ready... lucky this time the stream started. Two weeks ago it didn't auto play for me and I dozed through the first two hours.

Based Hokboy and his wolf waifu.

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1am chads here

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These streams make me want to get some posters framed.

>imoutoid this early
it's gonna be a good show

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hokboy with the horo and shinobu goods
Truly based tastes

As much as I am missing those acts, I am more happy that they did not cancel the 10th anniversary. This lineup is probably the best showcase of what each event is about. Do remember that a lot of the acts from Index to cross over to Matrix and vice versa. And to that, grab your drinks, we are going to have a nice time.


Is it just me or is the bass really cranked this time? My speakers are banging with less than the normal volume.

Does this look like a club to you?

>true tears, version 90s manga

like i said on the other thread, two for one deal (pick your poison)

Attached: 20200502 index-matrix_bingo v1.png (1250x890, 1.53M)

>the sun is bright as fuck, but look at all the shits i give, i'm going to dj

>he didn't watch the two Music Unity events

There were two?

His latest Anime scene trax track was amazing. I did not expect to encounter tamako's confession song there.

>No stupid overlay on the left
I almost want to thank you Covid.


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Oh. I didnt see the video. I usually just listen to the audio stream.

The chat has been improved recently by the influx of nips due to all of viva's audience joining.

>having two bingos
nani the fuck are you doing. Fuck that shit, pick one and commit. So to that will do. The other one is fake and gay. Lets do this!

>not doubling up on the drinking
you filthy casual

bing bing wahoo

>casual drinker

sorry homes, was bored all day and had too many ideas
anyway, party on you drunk
thanks for the help tho

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I was there for the first unity, I still don't want to see anything. At least for that it seemed mostly them.


I noticed their viewers has exploded to the point of reaching 10K the past couple of streams. I'm glad for them cause they probably need the donations.

he's probably making sure he has enough liver to surpas the rona

Woops didn't mean to reply

time to break out the snax
what you sn/a/xin?

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Matrix needs more Symphogear songs. I think I've only ever heard one played.

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First music unity peaked at 12k, second at 11k, both near the end when murrica was awake.

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Lucky for you that this is BOTH Index and Matrix. Much higher chance of symphogay tonight! I agree, I want Nana to beat me up desu

reminder that homu did everything wrong

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Reminder that Homu's pantsu would taste delicious if you were to eat them.

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You don't seem to understand



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I just hope I don't fall asleep before then. I didn't realize the schedule would be like this.

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>Nips drowning out the filthy gaijin
I'm starting to like this timeline.

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pantsu on head retarded

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nah nah, you gotta stay awake for the full endurance run

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I've only ever heard of Matrix before. What is Index?
Mogra is Cyberia, prove me wrong.

Too bad they couldn't get the VJs in this somehow.
But the real question is if Kotarou and ShanShizu will be in cosplay.

>corona saves japan from gaijin invasion due to olympics
>corona saves mogra from gaijin invasion
remember to thank the glorious motherland


it's also (literally) that club from BEATLESS

>t. filthy gaijin

>he didn't watch the ova

BASED fucking acca

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Why do the anisong events attract all the EOP's?