What attracts you to shonen?

What attracts you to shonen?

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Nothing. I don't read shonen manga.

why would you be attracted to boys?

I only read Seinen

that's great! so the thread isn't for you.

Nothing, modern WSJ is pure garbage.
Aside from rare exceptions like Heart Gear, or Jujutsu Kaisen it's all shit.


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Is stuff like FOTNS considered shonen

Yes, along with HXH. Though I saw someone post recently that some of the HnK sequels were serialized in seinen magazines so those would be seinen.

The fact that I was 12 once. Which is also why they don't hold my attention for long.

>rare exceptions
>all shit
Make up your fucking mind.

Their long narratives that span multiple volumes and 100+ episodes.
It gives you a lot of time to grow attached to the characters during their long adventures.

Only people who hardcore hate on shounen are pedophile basedboy moefags.

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I like to see good triumph over evil. Childish I suppose, but it gives me a sense of hope and feeling that I can make the world a better place, no matter how small. I think the authors of shonen feel that way too

Seeing characters overcome the odds and win. Seeing them fight for their values. Most importantly, seeing characters better themselves within their universe and rise to the top.

i hate both shounen and moeshit

Seeing someone better themselves makes me feel like I can too

Dark Schneider's rear end.

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Cool power systems.

So actual Zig Forums denizens and not Zig Forums crossboarders?

power system

Exactly THIS

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The boys. As long as they're cute and shippable, and there's no girl character to get in the way, I'll read it.

being 12


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Characters going towards a goal with different viewpoints or passion on the goal.

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I like the escapism. Pretending the world isn't the shitty one we live in.

My smooth brain. Kidding aside it’s nice to turn your brain off and read something fun with good/interesting art and engaging paneling. There’s good things about generic things like BC and other shonen. But you’re gonna have contrarians and asshats flinging shit. Battle shonen is popular for a reason and it’s not because it’s deep or high literature/art, but because it’s entertaining enough to help you cope with the horrors and stress of life

>Good things
Please die. That’s the only manga in WSJ that I and many people REFUSE to read, it’s actually horrible.

>it's an exception if I like it!

I just like something silly, and fun to read to past the time.

The artwork and the paneling. WSJ has high standards when it comes to presentation that other magazines don't have. I've seen series in Afternoon with horrible art and paneling, despite being a more niche magazine that usually attracts artists that want to spend more time drawing than WSJ which needs a chapter pumped out every week. The smaller magazines are better for artists developing, but the good WSJ artists are incredible at what they do and are well above the rest of them.