Ao no Flag

>the ending

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>Dude I want dick up my ass for whatever reason now lmao

double digits iq


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the ending and the execution of ending was good

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I don't see a problem with it. Can't you change your mind?



>Faggots want faggot ending

Just kill yourselves.

How did you fantasize it would end?

MC marries his GF and live happily ever after. The best friend finds someone else or dies alone.

Why the anger, friend? I thought Taichi would break up with this slut and marry some random literal who chick and Touma would move on and move to America and fag marry some gaijin.

Just as unrealistic as the fag ending. Ending up with your high school sweetheart is very rare, even more so in fucking Japan.


more like Ao no Fag lmao

anime when?

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I doubt it. Unless... Netflix.

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It was marketed as a pure love story. Homosexuality is the purest form of love. Do the math.

wait i dropped this, did the females on the bottom get together

Touma was the only good thing about that series

i just want to see this smile animated

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No, the males on the top did.

It got axed so all the arcs explaining how we got from the situation pre-timeskip to post-timeskip were skipped over

>t. only read it for fapbait

Eh, if anything I could see the ending as a way of getting past the editorial department. The final chapter is written in POV and doesn’t address Touma by name, so technically it doesn’t show the MC unambiguously in a homo relationship. We can only be certain it’s Touma because we’ve followed the manga from the start.

I can't jerk off my heart
>ywn hug Touma

Could be that editorial didn't want an onscreen gay romance, but it's clearly a suit-wearing dude's hand even if someone didn't read the manga.

All time-skip endings are shit. What is the point of having offscreen character development? The entire point of creating a story is to develop your characters. Having offscreen development just means that the writer could not figure out how to write and develop his characters dynamically in a story and instead had to force it.

And that's why people don't like the ending. Because the ending is forced as fuck. The characters go completely against the storytelling of all 54 chapters. With the main character never hinting gay feelings turning gay. And the gay character who admitted that she feels nothing when she is with guys going straight.

It was all done for shock value and was forced as fuck.

>Faggots want faggot ending
And they did get it. You're the loser here.

If anything it'll be live-action because god wants us to suffer.

i really don't know what stuff could be added after the beach scene. Do we really need an 'aha' moment for taichi on realizing he loves Touma? Chapter 48 never did that to Touma and the whole story is basically Taichi's chapter 48.
Masumi's arc ended with her not confessing
Taichi and Futaba break up doesn't really need an arc since the final stretch already has the Futaba's slow realization of Taichi's feeling for Touma.
>almost a month now since it ended, still no Touma in my life

>With the main character never hinting gay feelings
>turning gay.
>going straight.
You have to be baiting

>tfw it's too obscure for an anime let alone a good quality one
Those unresolved lust scenes would be kino in dragged out HQ

>Netflix live action
>Black Touma and fat Masumi
pls no
i want this too