Fate was better anyway

Fate was better anyway

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No it wasn't. Fuck off. Evergarden is anime of the Decade.



Yes, that is what a simpleton would say


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The simpleton is you shit for brains.

You sound mad. Don't get so worked up about your fake cartoons boy.

They already punished

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Poor thing ...
They ripped off other series and...

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shutup samefag

Top: Soulless
Bottom: Soul

Lul keep getting mad boyo


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Not even close. Fate dominated last decade and its undeniable.

>just because its popular doesn't mean it's good!
Shut up fag.


Pfffftt seriously though you are dumb as shit

I would rather look at paint dry than watch a single episode of that snorefest.

does anything actually happen or is just a girl with autism, and probably some flavor of PTSD, adapting to normal life and learning how to deal with losing someone she loves?

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That is basically what it is.

how cleaver, original and totally unpredictable. truly the highest level of art.
it did look good at least.

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All me.

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VeG got worse ratings and sales than a camping anime. saying the fate series which makes billions a year is better isnt much

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cope tranny

>VeG got worse ratings and sales
You salesfags have got to be some of the most retarded people on this site. How can it be so hard to comprehend that this means nothing regarding the quality of the show.


VEGfags were the one pushing sales

If you say so but I don't care I never even watched VEG but if you seriously think sales = quality you're an absolute retard.

>Be a shit studio that makes braindead non-stories
>make evergarden so fucking dumb your studio spontaneously combusts of embarrassment together with the staff.