Season 1 is lecturing you about the paper money scam

>season 1 is lecturing you about the paper money scam
>season two is explicitly a critic of israeli policies
I still can't belive that this anime exists

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Underrated gem.

What, I don't remember any of that in Magi?

I like Magi since it tricked everyone into thinking it was a battle shonen when it was actually about political ideologies and Jews.

Jokes on you, its actually about god being a mindless jellyfish monster and multiple tiers of reality and infinite dimensions.

It can be about that too! Along with the politics.

I has its failing I have to say, but as far as shonen goes it's indeed way underrated, especially when zoomers eat up shits like mha or demon slayer

Low attention span maybe

Is this worth watching again for the 3rd time?

Morgiana has amazing legs that's all I remember.

>Shingeki no Kyojin
>The angel cop episode about the Jews
What other redpill anime are there?

I knew it. When I saw that pic, I knew this is going to be about (((them)))

>Shingeki no Kyojin
Idk what kind of a twisted brain you've got, but that series definitely wasn't in favour of right wing death camps.

Is the series good?

it was Zig Forums approved for a while but I havent kept up with the series in a few years.

Season 3 if there ever was one is about how capitalism is built to dismantle nationalism
It's definitely Zig Forums in battle shounen form

Stop making this thread
Fuck off to Zig Forums

The most popular anime of all time is about how a shadowy group of hook nosed billionaires that control the UN is trying to use kabbalistic magic to break down borders and rule over a vast unthinking mass of humanity. A Japanese boy and a German girl try to stop them. It's called New Age Gospel

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Uhm.. read the Manga?

The base plot is about a big wall keeping monster from outside out, so you can already see some right wing symbolism.
Then turned out (spoiler) that they were actually a powerful imperialist society that were guilttraped into abandoning their ways and because of that they cucked themselves big time, they became the inferior race in the eyes of the world.

As far as action/adventure shonen goes yes, the political stuff stays very low key


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That's litteraly the first time I make this thread and I'm almost never on Zig Forums

Id post asuka_natsoc_uniform.jpg if I wasnt blocked from uploading kek. Right, NGE is a good one too.

IIRC it later turns out most of the "humans" in the current world are the descendants of monsters given human form when they transferred over. Several of the races were too powerful for this human transformation to fully take hold which is why you end up with things like morgiana's people having superhuman strength and feeling a need to leave the world.

Nevermind, was stupid and thought you were still talking about Magi. Carry on.


Wait, I might have seen that one. Do the UN-controlling cabal try to tempt the hero with a gay boy? Is the hero's mech driven by the spirit of his ancestor? Does he ultimately reject global homogeneity, embrace his identity and choke a bitch to show her that men are dominant?


just replace infinite dimensions with infinite echo chambers and personal realities

That would be Zig Forums