Rekka no Honoo

Is the tournament arc any good, the setup so far is alright, but I want to know if the tournament delivers.

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Been ages since I read it, but yeah, I thought it was nice. The final matches are good too IIRC.

The anime's ending is pretty eh, though, Kurei gets hit by a car and explodes.

Alright will keep watching.

It's okay

The remaining parts of the show is the tournament. The manga, however, has like two additional arcs which up the violence a LOT. Near the end, they're basically fighting fucking Satan.

Sounds interesting might continue to the manga after watching.

Who was the best character?

Fuck this series brings back memories

Gravity trident guy.

It's one of the better tournament arcs out there. Shame the anime ended just after though the rest of the manga is wonderful.

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>I want to know if the tournament delivers

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I haven't watched it in a long time but I think the tournament was good. I'm rewatching YYH and I think Rekka's tournament was better. I might be wrong though.

That guy who shows up in MAR

>Gravity user
picked up

Märchen Awakens Romance?

I'd say they're comparable. Though Rekka really kicks it into high gear in the later rounds.

meant for

Not really, but it gets better when they fight against Uruhas.

Well I liked YYH Tournament, so that's nice to hear.

If you like YYH you'd probably like Rekka in general. I actually think the Rekka manga is even better in the last chunk than YYH was. It never felt like it was struggling to find a use for it's main cast. And I appreciate that a lot especially these days when it seems like a writer will introduce a whole mess of characters at once and then realize he can't use them.

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Personally liked YYH start way better, I can see the potential in Rekka in being a fun series down the stretch.

You know what else I really appreciated? No bullshit alternate dragon forms or whatever shit. I won't lie and say there's no power creep or anything but for a shonen series Anzai keeps a pretty tight lid on things.

I mean to each there own, but a fan of YYH looking for something similar could do a lot worse.

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OP was great

Good times

Fuuko was cool

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She's cute

Yes it's pretty good once you're deep enough into it.

What ever happened to that series?

It's just Naruto

>The anime's ending is pretty eh, though, Kurei gets hit by a car and explodes.

I wonder if they threw that in because the show was not getting the ratings they were hoping and thus cancelling it.

Or because they caught up with manga and didn't bother doing filler arcs