Why isn't anime sexy anymore?

why isn't anime sexy anymore?

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Pedos took over

Right is disgusting holy shit

Watch more anime retard.


Right seems pretty sexy to me.

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It has no features, what's wrong with you?

wtf these are completely different characters

Pedos (like made in abyss posters)

You'll getting no where talking this guy user, I suggest you avoid his kind.

>No more whores
I like this trend.

Black Lagoon still sucks despite the main girl not being a loli.

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Anime is still sexy. They make more sexy teenagers and lolis than mature adult anime women now. And the lolicons give more money to that right OP's image.

Japs still view fans abroad as pirates by default because we kinda responsible for making them think that fansubs and scanlations meant well buy anime and manga more if there is official translations. Nope, the official releases are pirated day 1 at Zig Forums comic rippers and animebytes.

Why the fuck would an industry pander to the product that has more pirates that will never pay for anything if they can get away with it?

Give up OP. Learn to love manga highschool isekai lolishit

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This bait works on a number of levels. I'm impressed, well done OP.

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Right fills me with uncontrollable lust.

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They had loli nudity back in the 60s with the Doraemon manga.

What am I missing, right is miles better

Right isn't supposed to be sexuy, just cute. The fuck is wrong with you?

Imagine being an american

Kaos cannot wear a bikini, it's against the law.

Kaos can look good.

Attached: [The0x539] Comic Girls - 08 (BD 1080p x264 FLAC) [27B38BD3].mkv - 0002.jpg (1920x1080, 340.87K)

The anime on the right only sexualized older-looking girls. It was anti-lolicon garbage if anything. I don't know what you're talking about.

>It has no features
That's exactly what makes lolis sexy.

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One of the Dirty Pair movies had a naked loli.

Not him, but any pics of this anime?

>Lolis have no sex appeal that's what makes them sexy

That's ironic considering the 80s is the decade with the most unrestricted loli fanservice.

6-year-old anime girls are sexy. Pic related, official art.

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It's "Dirty Pair: Mystery of Norlandia" (OP's bait pic has Kei from Dirty Pair)
I don't have the nude pic but this loli gets naked in the movie.

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Context of the scene? It's not sexualization depending on context, and camera angle. Casual nudity in anime has always existed.

Yeh that's what I found too. Gonna have a watch at it. The promo movie shows her full nude with nipples shown.