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incoming 500 replies

>tfw your sword turns into a construction beam

Is this a KINO thread?

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It's because they can't cope with the fact that the Japanese Katana is the most reliable and effective tool/weapon to ever grace this earth.

>wrong file name
why are there so many morons on this board who cant even bait correctly

do weeaboos and nips really believe this shit?

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They have to. Japs have so little to be proud of in their past as they haven't ever conquered anyone but themselves before the 1900s. The only thing they have to flaunt is their somewhat aesthetically pleasing swords and their "culture"

>killing people is the only thing you can be proud of

Attached: Kimi Ga Shinu Made Ato 100 Nichi - Chapter 4 - Page 4 Umi Hah!?.png (561x309, 44.84K)

Well what can they be proud of wise guy?

Has Japan got anything else to it's name?

Japan has been doing nothing but killing each other and circlejerking on their island until the Meiji period
In comparison to another island nation, the Bongs might be enemies of humanity but by the 1800s they were the number one colonizer in the world

tentacle porn and hentai

Video games and reliable cars.

This. Japan has always been a backwards shithole. The only reason they aren't a third world country today is because they were uplifted by western powers.

It was the only thing that mattered for most of history

Toyota disagrees friendo

But we are talking about current times.

Then Japan has even less than nothing to be proud of. The United States might be the laughing stock of the planet, but everyone would rather pretend Japan just doesn't exist at all because they're just an embarrassment

Lmao. Yeah sure bud

>video games
>being proud of industrial scale mass mental enfeeblement

The author of this said he regretted not having the heroine raped what's wrong with japs

>ensured responses

Could've fooled me

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Ok that's based

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not entirely accurate since that longsword was held firmly in place by a vice, for a real test you have to swing them at each other. Both would be about equally damaged.

every tiem

I'd bet that the longsword would hold better in that case. No way the katana could handle any intense blunt damage that a longsword full swing can dish out

Longswords aren't supposed to be blunt though. Assuming both were sharpened to combat standards they would both be badly chipped, but hold their forms fairly well. The Katana would likely be somewhat more bent out of shape due to it's thin frame.

A katana is a very thick weapon. It's got as much mass as a long sword but with a shorter blade.

The katana does not have the structural integrity that the standard long sword has. people wouldn't be cut by long swords, but rather the sheer force of getting hit by one through their armor and plating. Katanas by design are made for cutting flesh and not for clashing with hard objects

I think they have awesome architecture. It's not much, I suppose, but as a nation they have a great sense of aesthetics

>but rather the sheer force of getting hit by one through their armor and plating
I see you went to the anime school of fencing?



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what does that even mean?

It means your ideas of long swords are based on fiction written by people who read cheap fantasy rather than actually holding long swords in their hands.
Long swords are cutting and thrusting tools.
They do not have a lot of bludgeoning potential.
If you want to hurt somebody in armor, you are better off with a war hammer or mace. That's why those existed.

late medieval era of full plate armour was absolutely aesthetic

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oh course weapons that were made to bludgeon people are more effective at it, but the long sword and western swords were made with much stronger material and made to last. A katana simply cannot compete with that in any way, shape, or form, no matter how many times the metal is folded

Nothing will ever top Gothic Knights in terms of sheer style and functionality.

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Moving the goalposts?

based taste

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how could Japs be so fucking shit at aesthetics that they fuck up a simple curved sword

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I responded to
>>[people wouldn't be cut by long swords, ]but rather the sheer force of getting hit by one through their armor and plating
I wasn't making a statement on the structural strength of swords.

The only thing they are good at is being scientists and advancing that field, when it comes to art they can only make mediocre mass appeal trash.
Their culture is interesting and they are smart civilized people but that's it, nothing extraordinary.

Well before that I was talking about the structural difference between Katanas and long swords. I stand by what I said, and agree with your claim that hammers and blunt tools were more effective at wounding and killing people through armor. However, the long sword is a very sturdy weapon and is well suited for blunt force if need be, even if it comes at the cost of extra damage to the tool. Katanas would not be able to even apply that blunt trama without breaking