
So how powerful is Solomon? Is he stronger than top tier servants in FSN like Gilgamesh/Saber and those like Archetype:Earth or TYPEs?

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Shirou is stronger

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but that doesn't mention Solomon

but that's not Solomon

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That's 72 idiots in a trenchcoat, not Solomon.

Father of magecraft

Reminder that the latest material says Kama/Mara is the strongest of the currently known Beasts theoratically

>That's 72 idiots in a trenchcoat
This gives me a chuckle

>kills Herakles four times despite being with barely any mana and a master
>managed to keep up with saber without a master.
>Canonically would give the other servants a hard time if he went full tryhard mode in a 1v6

literally how?

Cu is massively underrated and would have won if he had Bazett.

>So how powerful is Solomon?
He's an incredibly powerful Servant even when he's summoned normally rather than as a Grand. If, by some extraordinary circumstance, he has access to his Ten Rings after being summoned, he's practically omnipotent. For how powerful Goetia is, he's just a shadow of what Solomon can do. The whole plan with Arms Armadillo Salmonella is only necessary because Goetia is trying to substitute for the missing 10th Ring (Solomon could have done what Goetia is trying to do without needing to go through the whole Incineration song and dance), and Goetia says outright during their confrontation that Solomon in his original body would be able to solo him. That said, Solomon with Ten Rings is basically a cheat mode like Artoria with Avalon, because giving his blessings back to God is part of his legend. He would never have them during a normal summoning as a result.
>Is he stronger than top tier servants in FSN like Gilgamesh/Saber
Probably. He curb stomps the Fuyuki Grail War in 2004, and the map for Singularity F in FGO has some hints about what happened. Excalibur was used at least once and blew up miles of the city and there was a giant explosion that destroyed the Tohsaka mansion, and yet Solomon came out of it all completely unaffected and even nonchalant about the whole war.
>and those like Archetype:Earth or TYPEs?
We don't know, although it's worth mentioning that one of the cosmic threats that appears during Olympus that is shown to be far above any Heroic Spirit in power level (capable of destroying gods just by turning its gaze upon them) is noted to be something that could be possibly defeated by AAS.

Oh, i also always wanted to ask: is christian God really that powerful in Fate? Solomon, David and others are pretty strong because they are related to christianity.

God is an Alien.

height: 187cm
weight: 74kg
birthplace: United Kingdom
special skill: astrology, celestial bodies magecraft, high-speed incantation
likes: walking, fencing, baking
dislikes: failure due to insufficient pre-investigation, heavy clothes, alcohol

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Read a dictionary sometime sweety

And Jesus is?..

>God really that powerful in Fate?

He's one of the beast type.

Regarding Cu, how many of the other Fuyuki Servants would be able to survive against for 12 straight hours?

Remind me, was Cu running on his power during that time? I imagine since Kirei ditched him their contract was terminated and he wasn't getting mana from Kirei.

Could Solomon defeat him?

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height: 188cm
weight: 75kg
birthplace: unknown
special skill: love fortune telling, Shugendou, doing dirty works
likes: positive thinking, reconciliation, the prince of destiny (wtf Pepe)
dislikes: negative thinking, crows, diet

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Solomon had magic that channeled the power of God with a capital G himself.
As far as we can assume, he has a spell for everything that could allow him to nullify Gil's powers.

Do you have ones for Kadoc and Ophelia?

height: 179cm
weight: 70kg
birthplace: America, Nevada
special skill: none
likes: distinctive people
dislikes: none

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I don't think he would even need a specific spell to nullify GoB or Ea. He has the 72 Demon Gods and is the greatest summoner in all of human history in a context when Gilgamesh is fighting against him as a summon.

>Birthplace: America, Nevada
>Area 51 is at the heart of the enemy's plans
Just a coincidence I'm sure.

>the greatest summoner
With that you just know that he can fuck with servant summoning system.

Yeah, considering how Kirei could use his biblical incantations to vanish True Assassin... Solomon being millions of times more powerful can just do the same.

Command Spells (or at least ones that are meant to compel him to take actions against his will) are specifically noted to have no effect on him.

>God is an Alien.
What about Allah

Same God.

>Strongest beast
>No Grand is summoned to deal with it.
>Tamamovich, a baby beast.
>Another Grand can be summoned to deal with it despite it is just a baby.
Yeah, doubt that Kamafag.

Yep, i have all of the Crypters
height: 166cm
weight: 48kg
birthplace: Germany
special skill: spiritual evocation, summoning magecraft, mystic eyes of deferral (the name of her ME as stated in LB2), making sweets
likes: Käse Torte, Lindt choco, Kirschtaria
dislikes: Sunday

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We don't know how strong he is exactly. Absolute top tier for sure though, should be on par with Chaos, which is the strongest being introduced so far. We know that Jesus was probably the user of the First Magic.