When did anime start going to shit?

When did anime start going to shit?

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For me it was around 1984, when it started to pander to pedos and otakus

when it was first conceived

I wouldn't say that

I would

Does anime have a mom and dad?

Are we Zig Forums or something now?

who are you signaling to

>using Holo for this
Fucking EW

Realistically it was somewhere around 2014.
Probably when you started watching it.

Do people really use reddit?
I once tried visiting, but I was under the impression that all posts are made by bots.
Every thread there has the same pattern of posts and same kind of humor so I thought the place itself having a community was a hoax

most likely mid-2010s, but that's when the anime community started going to shit. People have been saying anime in general has been going to shit since forever

Yes and it's really superior in terms of quality discussion, It's good because you can have subreddits of niche shit and don't get derailed to death.

After Kuro Nyago (1929) I just really feel like anime wasn't truly nihongo any more.

Reminder that if you are fat you are a complete subhuman and I can't wait for you to die of coronavirus.

after it got popular in the united states, unironically. I'm not saying it went to shit BECAUSE it got popular in the US; I'm saying it was around that time that it started going to shit.

Those are just nostalgia fags, anime is more kinoerer than ever.

>Every thread there has the same pattern of posts and same kind of humor so I thought the place itself having a community was a hoax
Holy shit just like Zig Forums

Mostly around the mid 2000s


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Memes aside, I use both. I just like to talk about anime, man. Reddit is kind shitty to have an actual conversation, but sometimes you need that sort of thing they provide


You're completely deluded if you think otherwise, although I spent most of my time here because I like to shitpost.

After all those years of complaning about leddit. It wasn't even leddit that ended up killing Zig Forums.

when people that werent nerds started getting into it and they started making moe shit for pedos.
Look at all the big legendary anime like NGE they are all scifi and cool interesting nerd porn.

ugh i know :(

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Kurothread award nominee

Generic subreddits are always cancer such as Sports for example or Anime, but that's because all general shit is cancer, when you go to specific ones there are less people yet better quality.
Like fitness is cancer but naturalbodybuilding is good

When your community is ran by harvesting internet points, you know you have something wrong going on.
Since their so-called "karma" is at stake, there is a prevalent hivemind mentality and there are people with opposing thoughts to be disregarded. At least here, you can be very vocal about what you think and no one can censor you. Of course, as a disadvantage, shitflinging is tolerated.

You're not Japanese, don't use japanese terms you cringe low-self aware faggot.

Posts like that used to get you banned.

Only shitposters care about karma points and that only happens in the generic and massive subreddits.
What's your favorite show? It probably has a subreddit.

>after it got popular in the united states
Yeah I think you are right. After Macross/Robotech anime took a dark turn.

Your gatekeeping is one of the things that make this board a complete shithole. Enjoy it bro.