Why are they considered the best MCs in shonen?

Why are they considered the best MCs in shonen?

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the one on the left is. the other one had its manga canceled. nobody in the west can even recognize him

I guess Gon it's because he has more growth and depth into his personality than most of other shonen MC

I don't know about Naruto, he always was very plain to me

>replying to an obvious bait thread

Either a bait or you switched the names accidentally



Name one you think is better and I'll tell you why you're wrong.

Hachiken form Silver Spoon

Because it's not as good.

Hachimaru from Samurai 8!
And Deku from MHA
my strongest fighter for best MC titles, i know

>And Deku from MHA

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Young Naruto the character, yes. Teen naruto the character, No.

The Naruto story? No, as it's a clear rip off of HxH.

yeah, I can't help but see Sasuke as some amalgamation of Killua and Kurapika, except much more edgy and less likable
the similarities are kinda eerie at tmies:
>wants to avenge his murdered clan with magical red eyes
>is desperate to get more power to that end, even at a great cost to himself
>wants to surpass his evil older borther
>aloof "cool kid" prodigy
>signature lightning powers

Sasuke had lightning powers before Killua, you dickhead.

for me it's Ippo, I like his whole enthusiastic bumbling geek who's also a boxer thing, it's impossible not to root for the guy

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> have more growth and depth than any jump series MC

> Argggggggg you kill my friend so im will
Fucking kill you with my asspull bullshit power

Yeah they have no any different

And honestly I'm don't want to read Shounen or WSJ series because too much kid protagonist

Could you repeat that in English?

literally no one considers naruto a good mc let alone the best

HxH invented torunament arcs?

because they are kinda gay

>No, as it's a clear rip off of HxH.
1996 predates 1998, Huntertard

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They are not. Both Naruto and Gon are detestable MCs. The only difference is that Kishimoto didn't do it on purpose (he is just a bad writer), Togashi did.

ippo is a man!

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Unironically Koga is the best shounen MC right now, these two were written by a Hack and "Ow my back" - Togashi .

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Hunter X Hunter isn't shounen though, it's soft seinen.

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This is correct.

This is gay.

akira fudo

What character development. Gon is hardly any different from the start. The only difference he really shows is that he really wants to kill the trap. After that he goes right back to normal.

Fucking mereum had more character development in just 1/3 of the show than gon did in its entirety.

Naruto unironically had much more personal growth than Gon
admittedly Gon is still more likable and interesting