How did Gary have 10 badges?

How did Gary have 10 badges?

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He beat 10 gym leaders

He's better than Ash

8 from Kanto.
2 from Johto.

He's a Chad

Do these even match up to the ones in Johto?

Why would Gary go to Johto half way through the indigo league?

He has three of the badges Ash got (Boulder, Cascade and Rainbow). The other seven are from unseen gym leaders.

Because he can

To fuck bitches. Fighting gym leaders is just a plus

There are 15 Pokemon types in Generation 1. The anime shows more cities than that which appeared in the games. Therefore it stands to reason that there are unseen gyms for the other types Ash does not visit, with more badges to award. You only need 8 of those 15 to enter the Pokemon League, but there's nothing saying you can't conquer the rest if you want. This is also shown in the later seasons, rivals get offscreen badges instead of only the games' eight.

Though the real reason Gary got 10 is because he had a car, while Ash was on foot. But even with that Ash only got two less than him in the end.

with his body

It's not like he got the earth badge.


the anime is an entirely separate canon from the games and only loosely follows standards set in the games

i wish they design the game like this

Gary had a car and bitches. He could cover way more ground than ash.

Because he so based.

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Pokemon Season 1 was honestly more looser connected with it's game than Duelist Kingdom arc of YGO.
Yeah I said it.

Nobody watched yugioh, we all read it

Because he's Gary motherfucking Oak.

Gary? More like Gay amirite?

Some user from /vp/ recently linked me to the blog of one of the main writers for the first few seasons of the anime.
His idea for it was to be much darker than what we got, having a similar tone to the manga that often times had people and Pokemon actually dying and showed Blaine as this mad, evil scientist that made Mewtwo but lost his arm in the process.
I'm guessing either Nintendo or Gamefreak didn't like that so they had to scrap most of the concepts. So yeah, up until gen III the anime was pretty much just them fucking around.

Dude, the thing with cars is weird as fuck. You can see most Pokemon cities are designed with traffic in mind but there's zero highways between cities.


>In SWSH it's revelead they are 16 Gym in the lore, 8 in "Major Circuit ", another 8 in the minor circuit

> Chad Gary manage to beat another 2 minor gym while only get the 8 required

Not according to his birth certificate.

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Considering he didn't get those cheerleaders of his pregnant day one and he arrives at the League with them having swollen bellies, it's easy to see he's Gay AF

Ha ha, smell ya later

Gary is a 10 year old, isn't it weird that one of his bitches is 18 (at least) and has a car? Someone should call the police.

There are supposed to be way more than 8 gyms. Beating 8 of them is only supposed to be the requirement for the league but since gamefreak are lazy hacks, they never bothered to a actually implement the option to battle gyms outside of just 8.