Now that Kimetsu is confirmed to end in a few chapters, which series will their fans latch onto next? Place your bets

Now that Kimetsu is confirmed to end in a few chapters, which series will their fans latch onto next? Place your bets.

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Anything that becomes popular.

Jigokuraku, no wait that's ending too. I guess they'll just quit reading manga

You can be a fan of more than one thing at a time

that said it's a crapshoot. something like chainsaw man or black clover could see a boost

Jujutsu Kaisen

Sure, but the story is over. Interest will fade

I didn't read shounen after the mid-2000s before going back for KnY. Since I've been enjoying it I also picked up World Trigger, Kaguya, and CSM.

They can be a fan of anything, not like it matters. Kimetsu was the last good long running battle shonen the Jump will have for a while, as I don't consider Chainsaw to be in that same vein.
BNHA and Black Clover are Fairy Tail tier, Kimetsu at least managed to feel like Bleach at times with all the swords, dark setting, and a nice cast you wanna see go on adventures.

>Kimetsu was the last good long running battle shonen the Jump will have for a while
Imagine actually thinking this. Holy shit!

>I didn't read shounen after the mid-2000s before going back for KnY
Wow that
s sad as shit

Its not a KnY thread without someone saying something stupid. Just once I'd lie to see that happen.

Do not worry, for he said "read'. Meaning that he at least watched HxH 2011 so his existence can't be considered a sad one

Chain Saw Man will be the next big phenom

Surprised the WSJ Exec didn't force the author to drag out the series for a few hundred more chapters

Why would they? You're retarded.

cope narutard kishimoto was a sold off who had no respect for his work or his fans and just treated them as another cashcow

Black Clover is unironically and share some similarities with KnY such as:
>Good pace
>kind and chad mc
>Sensible and relatable MC's main goal
>good side characters
>Good female characters
>good relationship between the characters
And I say all this while being a KnYfag

This is probably the most pathetic post I've seen in a while.

Glad you understand that your post is retarded

I gave a few chapters to most of the shounen that's popular with Zig Forums other than One Piece and nothing interested me other than the three I mentioned. I was also reading most of the better seinen that gets TLs like Meshi beforehand.

Anything with flashy colors, superb animation, and mediocre story.

>superb animation

>shitty art
>boring characters
>basic plot
Yeah, it actually has a lot in common with KnY so they'll probably jump there

>they all have the same face

>black clover

Kill yourself seething dekufag.

Strange right? Siblings usually look nothing alike

So that will be forgotten in 2 year

>Kimetsu was the last good long running battle shonen the Jump will have for a while
>compare to Bleach as a compliment
Imagine being this retarded.

Bleach was the lowest of the Big 3, sure, but the Big 3 were completely superior to the other battle shonen from Jump. It's a high praise for KnY to be compared to the bronze medal of a better era while the rest can't come close to that

>but the Big 3 were completely superior to the other battle shonen from Jump.
Imagine actually thinking this

CSM can't be an all-demographics crossover hit for Japs like KnY. At most it will be 90s-Tarantino-cool enough that teenagers and young adults won't be embarrassed to read it, which could be like a 400k per volume seller. I say that as a CSM fan.

Kino no Tou
Tower of God


> Another generic shounenshit with monster, creature hunting plot

> try so hard to be dark and too much filler of pointless trash edgefag

Yeah that isn't good enough

Jump is already died


>knows this little about biology
Even singleegg twins don't look copy-pasted. They have slight differences.

>Even singleegg twins don't look copy-pasted. They have slight differences.
And it's pretty easy to show those differences in an anime while also making the characters similar enough, right?

>embraces lazyness
You already lost the argument. Even Tanjiro looks like them.

Huh? The worst? It was clearly One Piece. For starters what kind of super power is being a rubber band?

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>triggered knygger chimping out again

The moment you lose the argument is the moment you actually start arguing with someone like this. Literally all the posts calling people retards and so on are from him. Just don't bother giving Jeremy his beloved (you)s.

Hopefully it's jujutsu kaisen, so we can see wan piss get cucked by another series again