
Why Precure can be the most profitable Maho Shojo in history?

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30-year-old Star Twinkles getting drunk together is the strongest type of fan art.

Little girls nationwide are more profitable than a handful of otaku. That and 10/10 girls.

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Great way to invite shitposting dude.

vacuum salesman is my waifu

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I assume this is our interim HG content during the hiatus?

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Gross. Good girls don't lick the beater

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Wait, you don't after you finish with it?

What about good boys?

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He was probably the worst boy in Precure. Talentless, no spine, and hateful.

You must be new.

Oh good, I love these fuckers.

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Come on, only two of those things are correct.

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Nothing wrong with puppet shows.

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Need more.

There's also this

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God I wish. I've been hoping for scans for years but never seen any. I can't even narrow down which of his books it's from.

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>Why Precure can be the most profitable Maho Shojo in history?
because it's more or less the only one that's actually aimed at the target demographic instead of doing some subversive shit that only really appeals to a niche audience. a niche audience that probably won't yell at their mom or dad to buy the latest toy, for that matter.

granted that doesn't explain how it could outsell older franchises but the answer to that one is simply longevity. Sailor Moon was only around for, what, 5 years? Sure it's got residuals from nostalgia and stuff like Crystal but Precure's been on TV every week (before this corona hiatus anyway) since 2004.

man I still need to watch S2
wonder if I should do that before or after HaCha

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Why can't I finish a precure?
Without fail I really like it, get distracted around the 30-40 episode mark and leave it too long to jump right back in.

You mean currently airing seasons or older seasons?
>Stopping at the 40 episode mark
You just had to give it a last push.

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I've ended up doing the same thing before. For me, it's because I like them so much I don't want them to end. With our hiatus in effect though I'm going back and finishing those seasons now.

I keep thinking that Akira's too good for Yukari, even if it's probably just my biases showing. I get why Yukari is the way she is but even knowing that I don't like her as much as the others. Elysio's cool, Ciel's inclusion in the OP is hilariously phoned in.
>Bibry got smacked so hard she landed on a deserted island

Attached: [Gelatin] KiraKira☆Precure À La Mode - 25 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_13.34_[2020.05.02_21.40.57].jpg (1920x1080, 942.4K)

>Nodoka's quiz is about Rabirin
>Chiyu's is about onsens
Fuck Chiyu ~pe

>I keep thinking that Akira's too good for Yukari
She is but I'm probably bias too. Yukari does get a little better later on.