Why did it flop? was it really because first girl went to Spain?

why did it flop? was it really because first girl went to Spain?

Attached: Seiren.jpg (441x600, 76.82K)

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It flopped because it was Amagami but boring.

I can agree that the MC was trash compared to amagami's MC. but Seiren itself wasn't that bad.

First route was NTRbait
post those meme pics if you still have it

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What’s this? The Trivial Triplets?

It flopped so hard, they didn't work on the others heroines nor the galge.
It's sad, because only the first heroine was trash and the others were good.

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t.dumb retarded ignorant mutt

I am spanish, faggot.

It was bad.

Those designs look really generic and boring

Best girl didn't even have a chance. Tsuneki ruined Seireni.

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Its suppose to have realistic girls instead of the rainbow colored moeblobs you usually see

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the designs still look worse than amagami

I would say Tsuneki is the best one of the whole cast in design, but she got the worst treatment, so I can see why people dislike her.

I dropped it at the magical girl cosplaying shota panty shot. Not exactly sure who the target audience was for that scene.

How was it doing before Spain happened?

Tsuneki got railed day and night by these guys.

I'm just sad because Ruise route never ever.
Yup ;_;

Attached: my_lovely_wife_ruise.jpg (2560x1600, 255.71K)

Nothing says pure love story like a girl going to get railed by spics for 5 years.


I love generic girls like that though

It was doing just ok
Then the charts dropped like a fucking rock

>Half of the girls didn't even get episodes

>Half of the girls didn't even get doujins

The writer just had to get all smarass instead of writing a straightforward romance and make it "sad".

>It's sad, because only the first heroine was trash and the others were good.
It's the other way around. Tsuneki was the only good one and certainly the only one to somewhat compare with the original cast.

The Osananajimi route was pretty cute and heartwarming, I liked it a lot.

What ever happened to Ruise's VA?

>The Osananajimi route was pretty cute and heartwarming,
you mean boring