What's your honest opinion on Nanatsu no Taizai?

What's your honest opinion on Nanatsu no Taizai?

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Great S1 and I'm keeping my memories at that + Escanor scenes I guess.

Up to Hendrickson it was an enjoyable adventure series.

Escanor deserves better
Zel&his vampire girlfriend is only thing I like during the shit moment

>Escanor deserves better
He knew he would die.

The time I spent watching it will never come back

Generic shounen for kids who don't know any better, like most manga.

Good ideas with wasted potential due a dumpsterfire of a story plot with incoherent pacing. It felt like the author had a good story in his head, but tried so hard and failed miserably in his delivery which im turn also compromised any character and their development.

In the end, characters felt one dimensional, story felt like a random trip to nowhere, only stuck with it to the end to see how this shitfest was gonna end.

It was sorta fun, but I can't remember anything about the actual story. Dropped it after season 1.
Would rather Kongo Bancho got an anime instead

a fun ride up to Hendy

It was ok until it wasn't

I liked it a lot.
Then the powerlevel shit started and the series slowly circled into the abyss.

Pretty enjoy, but went to shit after the introduction of literal power levels.

Fucking this. What a waste of time

It's bullshit

Great manga, trannies hate it tho.

I really enjoyed, but after a point it was an endless string of missed opportunities.
Some characters absolutely ruined everything (Merlin and Escanor) and the introduction of powerlevels.
PW ruined DB and turned it into the spic/nigger honeypot it is nowadays, NnT turned into nonsense.

An artfag Nakaba's style was unique and appealed to me immensely, had some amazing designs and personally, the best looking Demon King I've ever seen - which was utterly wasted like many other characters and plotlines.
2IQers need not apply.

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*As an artfag

I like his style. It's only reason I could read it up to the end

kek retard

I don't get how he did it, sometimes it looked like chicken scratch or absolute shit like his volume covers, but then he has all these god tier panels.

Started off great, jumped ship some time after they introduced power levels, not only the act itself but around that timing was when things started to fall apart. iirc Meliodas jobbed to the horned armored demon despite his past of being part of the commandants and being defeated by one of it's weakest combatants broke immersion.

I thought it was good when it felt like an adventure, but it got pretty boring with the commandments. It started to feel like a generic battle manga, doesn't help that the end is a complete clusterfuck

This was the last time it was interesting, then everything else became a disappointment. I still somehow enjoyed Diane and King's moments.

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Pretty good start, maintained itself pretty good up until powerlevels were introduced when it comes to the action.
Individual stories wise, Ban, Diane and King were all pretty good. Escanor was good when he was Pride mode, but bad whenever else. Merlin was a flying plot device and her motivation being Meliodas all along was terrible. Gowther made me mad at times but at least they were trying for something neat there. Meliodas and Elizabeth fucking sucked ass through the entire thing.

It was good fun for the first 250-ish chapters but went downhill in the war arc. I really liked the chaos stuff and am interested in seeing where he goes with it in the sequel. I'll be avoiding the threads like the plague, though. They were really great at the beginning too, but became basically unbrowsable by the end. Probably more a testament to the state of the board.

At first nice plot and characters. King elaine was nice until King grew up. Escanor was the saving grace, after that I didn‘t give a fuck anymore.

Still gonna read the sequel.

it would have been 1000x better if hawk was the MC and impregnated all the bitches with giant pig cock (in this scenario I self insert as the pig)

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Wildly inconsistent with that should have ended long before it did. I enjoyed the plurality of it, but I wouldn't rank it anywhere near my favorite manga or anime.

It all went wrong after Mael, and the DK is on my personal list of the ten worst final villains in manga.