Did otaku culture ruin anime?

Did otaku culture ruin anime?

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No, you ruined anime. It's all your fault.

Yes, people need to stop acting like retard if they want to be accepted by society.

Wrll, unless you choose to become general failure.

>Did otaku culture ruin anime?
Yes. Anime's been dead since the mid-1980s.

normies ruined it

As you can clearly see madokatards ruined anime

>Yes. Anime's been dead since the mid-1980s.
100% agree

Yes. But they're also the ones buying anything. Now it's just fujos.

came here to post this

Capitalism, which encourages Otaku culture, ruins anime.

Otaku culture is the lifeblood of anime and manga.

a weird gaijin san walking on japanese street
what do you expect

Western scum ruined anime. Hope chinks will fix it after they genocide white "people"

Stop baiting lol

anime ruined anime

anime is largely influenced by western cinema and animation

I'm not baiting anyone

>The chinks' plan was to save asia by wiping out the aryan race all along
Based chinamen

No, and the idea that it did is dumb.

Can't wait for CULTIVATION anime

Stop double baiting, it's getting annoying

>otaku call japanese a "holy land" for anime
>expecting idols, cosplayers, and cute girls singing and dancing in every corner
>in reality it's all traditional culture and preserved people
I don't know it's more sad or hilarious

go back

Go back to twitter.

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No, tranny moeshitters ruined it.

this but unironically

Anime was built on top of Western technological and artistic innovation.

>moeshitters ruined it.
This. Moe ruined anime in the mid-1980s. Anime hasn't been good since.

Yup. Thanks moeshit.

Otaku culture, whatever that means is the only thing keeping anime from going the way of videogames
If anything it is becoming way too glamorous and appealing for outsiders. Fans should double down on weirdness and alienate the masses as much as possible

No, *I* ruined it.
Now get back to work.

I think the real problem was probably female eugenics and uniforms. It makes sense to dress all boys in uniforms but when you do it to girls for a race where they already all look pretty much the same you end up with extremely bewildered men. Basically on a tribal evolution level men are supposed to obtain women from other tribes and the Japanese weren't able to do that or didnt allow themselves to.
So naturally anime starts coming out which unlike movies lets you design all kinds of outlandish female variants that the Japanese (and now also Western) male can "conquer". Those same males who maybe could've potentially pursued 3d women with relative ease instead degenerate to pursue fictional 2d girls because at least the 2d girls arent just the same locals with the same uniforms and exact same bodies.


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At least Akihabara is the place where everyone is fucking batshit crazy about anime.

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anyone know what that eva 3.0 artwork is on the left?

Hey, where did you get that photo?

yeah anime was better in an era I know nothing about that i have watched 1 movies and some anime clips from

Your instagram.

Dude has a nice fade ngl

What about Lupin III, Captain Harlock and Gundam. They're all from 70s.

>Basically on a tribal evolution level men are supposed to obtain women from other tribes
So that must be why I like delicious brown so much.

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Interesting theory

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