5 > 2 > 4 > 1 > 3

5 > 2 > 4 > 1 > 3

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>Anime only
>Not having read part 8

Both of you are filthy faggots

why is part 3 always rated so low? it has the most iconic fight and kino journey.

Based animeonly

Because the fight of the week and forgettable fights.
A fake out death and an underwhelming final fight.

I will accept this simply because you have the big brain capacity to realize 3 was dog shit.

even if you believe this there's no way the Pillar Man are better than DIO

>EVER reading Manga when a show is going to get an anime adaption
You should only ever read Manga if the anime adaption is garbage, otherwise you are spoiling yourself and cannot appreciate the beautiful work Korean sweatshop artists put forth.

3 is one of the better parts for it's comedy and main cast. Suck it.

weebs love 5 so much but Giorno a shit and the camaraderie of pt 3 cannot be matched

But 3 and 5 is literally the exact same. Bunch of faggots travel around fighting faggots while mr big bad waits in his castle. The characters and motivations might be different but the overall plot structure is the exact same


>op is nonreading fag



part 5 is dog shit and you're retarded for liking it

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1 > 3(Egypt) > 2 > 5 > 4 > 3(pre Egypt)

We found the retard

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This but unironically.

Objectively correct. Nice OP

They are.

Any other opinion is wrong, no part 8 is objectively not better than 7 as long as it's unfinished.

The main cast is fantastic, especially Polnareff, but the pacing and story structure are awful, even in the manga.

Pacing in VA is more streamlined and the antagonists of the week are dramstically better. The trade off is that the jojo is dogshit and the rest of the mcs are just okey

>antagonists of the week are dramstically better.

>antagonists of the week are dramstically better
>he trade off is that the jojo is dogshit and the rest of the mcs are just okey

5>6>3>4>2 Currently reading part 7 so can't rank it yet

Jotaro is just an autistic MC
>MUH yare yare daze

Part 4 should be dead last for being a filler arc, it literally doesn't go anywhere, at least part 5 has the built in excuse of being a "Dio story"

2 > 4 > 1 > 3 > 5


the pillar men are:
>have bigger dicks

compared to DIO