Seraph of the End

Thoughts on the latest development?

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Didn't he get cleave in two last chapter? Holy fuck I can't believe it took 1 whole chapter for him to actually kick the bucket (yeah I know he's coming back 100%, but still)

that looks very gay

Frag the fag

He's not coming back, he's becoming a demon. He let his sword take too much of his blood and power and then got cut in half. He was too far gone already just by using that much power.
His physical body can no longer sustain itself, so he can't continue existing as a flesh and blood entity. Whatever happens now, Mika is gone. At best he'll return as a ghost like Mahiru did.

But what about the fujobucks?

Should I read this manga?

It's gay as fuck.

I don't care but is it good? Nice characters, good art, coherent story?

Having your gay vampire friend turn into your stand is pretty hot though.

In the novel I read the dude managed to fuck himself with a sword, so there's still a chance. Maybe he'll even name the children he has with that boring bitch in his honor or some shit

No, it's trash. Fujobait and attractive designs are the only reasons anyone reads this

I've dropped around the time where they teamed up with troll baron to free Krul.

What happened in the meantime? Can anybody give a quick rundown?

I unironically read this for the plot.
I was gonna write quick rundown but I realized I wouldn't be able to fit it into 2000 characters even with basic bullet points so i'll condense it further:
A __lot__ of shit happened

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user, just admit you like the designs. It's trash shounen tier

Just looking at the latest chapters, Guren has become a demon?

I don't hate the designs but I don't need them to keep going. In fact I think the LNs are superior to the mainline manga

>written by the same guy who wrote Densetsu no Yuusha
How such a drop in quality is even possible?

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i'm impressed the author had the balls to do it, but i'm going to postpone my judgement until i know he's not coming back either as a demon or something else, considering the amount of Yu's blood he had in himself.
It'll be interesting to see Krul's reaction.

The art is good, the story is bad, the fujo panderign is pretty sexy.

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It's obviously going to come back, maybe's not even dead, like when Elizabeth from NnT got the /tg/ meme death

He went full nuclear with Mahiru and Noya to beat pretty much everyone in a massive FFA clusterfuck (vs Saitō, the 1st progenitor, the protagonist group and Guren's own group), received some assistance from Ferid in the middle of it and is looking to pretty much come out on top of everything. Current "casualty" list by him include: Mika, Saitō (exploded in a similar manner as Mika did in this episode after being stabbed with a sinful key by Ferid's quick assist), 1st progenitor (sealed with 3 sinful keys by Guren, Mahiru and Noya), 5th Trumpet aka Mirai Kimizuki (straight fucking dead) and his own group (drained of power by him)

Remember that sucking blood count as sex for vampires, and therefor Mika did not die as a virgin.

That sounds terrible.

I wish this was weekly or at least biweekly.

This is honestly my main complaint. chapter 79 was almost a year ago yet maybe half an hour has passed since then, probably not even that.

Author wants Yu to end up with Shinoa so it makes sense to kill off Mika
Kind of a shame that Mika won't end up with Krul because of Fujos

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Wild. If the pacing weren't so slow I'd pick it up again.

Fastest "bury your gays" execution in manga history...

That's some projecting.

>because of Fujos
Or because the author doesn't want it.
