Madoka Magica

So what's the take home message of it all? I feel like this show (including the third movie) are somehow incomplete. Is it basically "be careful what you wish for" or what? It would also have been nice to introduce a character with a philosophy that defies everything going on in that universe, namely the refusal of strife in the first place. All problems the cast experiences are a result of them not being able to let things happen and I wish they would have made that point more explicit.

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Love will save EVERYONE!
Because that's Homura did!

Why everything must have a message?

Not everything should have a message, but this show tries to hard to be symbolic to not have a message

But isn't this exactly the main philosophical problem of this show? The way I see it is that everyone is trapped in this infinite loop because they operate in the duality of love and hate and their various expressions. They repeat this pattern again and again and thus doom themselves. It is obvious to me that the moral solution to Madoka Magica is indifference. I find it almost perverse that the creators even offered this solution in the dialogue between Madoka and her mother but just didn't use this as a final conclusion. Madoka herself would have been the perfect character for that even but instead her only purpose is a rather weak Deux Ex Machina.
Well it doesn't but I think like , especially because there was so much more potential. Madoka still is a great and fun show but this issue is a major flaw to me and I never see people taking critique at it.

Moral of the series: There's no such thing as good and evil
Moral of the 3rd movies: Fanservice is bad and ruins everything


Urobuchi said he just took the popular factors from mahoushoujo ero games and never thought it would be a big hit

Keep on keeping on

I began reading some snippets about this angle today and I wonder if this is not a classic case of "producer wants to quit but is forced to continue". It still doesn't excuse the holes in the original show but it sheds some light on the plot of the last movie at least.

I think it is best to treat rebellion as a separate story as it is incomplete.
For the main series, the main message would be hardwork(homura) and self-sacrifice(madoka) can be triumphant over fate(walpurgisnault). It is not a mistake to have hope

It means family.

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Moral solution to madoka magica is not be indifference. I don't think that idea have manifest itself madoka and her mother dialogue either.

You may say that the moral solution of madoka magica is indifference if everyone dies. Yet, homura still survive in face of the harsh reality. And madoka rewritten the law of the universe and become the savior to all magical girls. There can be positive meanings in life despite life is somewhat absurd.
If the solution of madoka magica is indifference, then homura would have kidnap madoka and leave the city before walpurgisnaut comes. Homura and madoka are not just trying save themselves but the whole city. They are deeply attached to the broken world.
Consider one of the past time line where homura and madoka's soul gem were tainted and is about to turn into witches. Homura said, "let us both turn into witches so we can both tear this rotten world together and turn everything into ashes." Madoka say no, life is harsh but there lots of things worth protecting too. That is the complete opposite of indifference and I think madoka is correct

Do not trust talking space cats.

Did they drop the whole wraith crap and put it into some mediocre side manga because they realized magical girls fighting GIANT OLD MEN! felt wrong?

It's just a fantasy. They set up the rules for a magic system, and tell a dramatic story within those rules. The only moral of the story is, if you meet an alien, even if it's cute and it talks about saving people, you shouldn't trust them, not until the adults have had a chance to study them and verify their origins.

>the holes in the original show
Oh yeah you mean like uh

I want to stick my dick in crazy.

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Don't stubbornly chase impossible goals?
The world is a cruel place for teenage girls?
No one is truly happy?
I don't know honestly

Moral of the story: any sense of human values dies within extreme cruel situations

So moralfags and people who only say pretty words should shut the fuck up.

Have you even watched the show jesus

homura became obsessed with the idea of madoka and not masons herself

>So what's the take home message of it all?

There is none. Its painful to see people trying to justify why they think their precious Madoka Magia is a perfect 10/10 when it was actually mediocre.

Flat out wrong lol

Another bummer really. Can you actually talk about self sacrifice when you literally become the universe?

Why didn't homura tried to save all of the magical girls beside Madoka? Why did Kyouko only worked for her own interest and was willing to kill other magical girls for her territory and grief seeds? Why did Sayaka suffered from playing the hero of justice instead of wishing for herself?

Why is homura a jobber?

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Upon rewatch I do now consider this a perfect show. Among the 12 episodes every scene has a purpose. All building up to the best moment of catharsis I have ever experienced in anime.

They do at least show Madoka using the advise she gets from her mother in some of the other loops.

>All building up to the best moment of catharsis I have ever experienced in anime.
How? There is literally no conclusion whatsoever.

Before the world fully resets, madoka getting to tell Homura that she knows about all of the loops and how much she appreciates what Homura did. That's the conclusion. The rest is just epilogue to show the actual ramifications of Madoka's choice.