Dragon ball super

Was goku staying as the MC a good idea from toriyama part?
Or Would gohan be better than him as the MC?

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Yes. Goku is the best character. Fuck every other character and their retarded as fuck fans.

Make this pic dragon Ball related

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>Greenhouse gas emissions
I cri

GODku... GODhan... I kneel to them every day and every morning.

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Why won't Vegeta hold Goku's hand?

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Vegeta looks like this???

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The coloring is crazy good

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Hercule is the MC of Buu sage

Get out.

k, b.

jannies get him.

I just found this masterpiece in my annex.

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The garbage of yesterday is the treasure of tomorrow. In glad I kept this book now.

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All of what we call "knowledge" stems only from what we perceive and profess to comprehend. The "proof" which engenders that "knowledge" is simply the greatest level of understanding we as a collective can reach based upon the observable phenomena around us, and that which we can conclude based upon our own scrutiny, which, in and of itself, is subject to corruption and imperfection.

The only thing you can TRULY be sure of, then, is your own strength. THIS is the quintessential knowledge, the ONE thing a man can be consciously aware of and KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is right. Strength of body, strength of mind, strength of spirit. This is the only TRUE "knowledge" that exists. Embrace it, or perish like a dog.

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So much soul

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>muh promotional manga now has PRITTY KOLORZ!!!
No one cares.


I'm getting souldiation poison from this much exposure

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>p-please l-leave me alone ;(
No. The anime will never come back so you WILL like it.

wtf does this mean I don't get it aiiiiiieeeeeee.

What's the manga promoting, again? Toei's canned, non-canon fanfic that was replaced by an actual promotional Heroes anime two years ago?

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I can't believe I unironically searched what "souldation" meant.

It's pretty telling that Toyocucks are so starved for something to actually care about from their shitty promo cucknga that they have to lose their fucking minds over something as insignificant and irrelevant as this.

>merch, video games, interest in the next canon anime movie and next canon series, which is still constantly asked about across the entire Internet, while literally no one gives a fuck about the shitnga
Anyone else want to try me?

more like jiren the based.

Did you find it?


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>merch, videogames
But merch and videogames use Toei's fanfic because they can milk the filler forms Toei made to sell more cards and shit, Pedro, the manga has nothing to do with that crap

>the next canon anime movie
But every single movie since Wrath of the Dragon is based on the mangas, Esteban.

>next canon series
HAHAHAHAHA okay no that's enough. Dropped.

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I DECIDE what is canon and what is not.


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>inane spic babble
Can someone that knows mexican translate this?

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>admitting that literally everything uses the CHADnon CHADnime and not the promo cucknga
Good pup.
>But every single movie since Wrath of the Dragon is based on the mangas, Esteban.
>Wrath of the Dragon is based on the manga
I should just stop responding now, since you're clearly baiting and full of shit, but it's fun bullying you.
>HAHAHAHAHA okay no that's enough. Dropped.
Yeah, run, little mangapup. Fucking RUN. FAST.

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Yeah, In these images.

>le Mexican meme in place of any arguments or rebuttals
That just makes it obvious that you have no arguments and can't refute any of my points. I win, as usual. Now CRY over pic related.

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