That's what ever fucking berserko retard ever tells me. Every fucking time. Every. Fucking. Time someone recommends me Berserk and I ask the question "why, why is it so good, why are you so obsessed over it"

Instant reply is always

It's not the art. It's not the "insane character development bro" it's that you twisted little fuckers like looking at panels like this, don't you? and you want to traumatize people who arent into the same twisted sick evil shit you are. this shit is fucking putrid. i don't care how much detail the man puts into this. fuck you for trying to shove this down my throat for the last 15 years.

it's about damn time people call you out for the psychopaths you are.

Attached: jesusfuckingchrist.png (742x1100, 1.11M)

it's the art dude, it's just the art.

Berserk isn't good, that's why I never bothered to read or to watch it.

I've read Berserk up to a point but I've forgotten that page
Maybe it's post-Golden Age
Now that's Berserk


That's some good stuff.

berserk is older than you, go back to watching love is war fucking secondary

Ironically, peopole enjoyed Berserk when it was still gloomy and, what the average user would call, "edgy". All these light hearted RPG adventures with his loli company turned people off from caring anymore.

Makes sense.

Drawings aren't art?

Go back to your studio ghimbly bullshit gramps

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Conviction art was best especially when the tower crumbles and turns into the God hand

The art is really good.

if i saw someone reading that i would stop being their friend lol

shut the fuck up retard

the funny thing is that the art in Berserk isn't even that good compared to something like Hunter X Hunter.

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I'll never be able to protect her....

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imagine not being able to handle a bit of cannibalism in your manga

>entrails actually kinda form The Brand

Fucking neato, never noticed this before, Miura really is great isn't he. Thanks for posting OP

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boy I sure love nu-Zig Forums! where are all the soijaks though??


We're in the middle of social conditioning if don't mind you worthless piece of shit

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the only thing you're conditioning is your obsession with epik trol do i fit in yet guise???

Jump out the egg with your boo in it
Triple my cup, pour the deuce in it
Ride around the block, got two with me

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Berserk is the best

> ripping off famous art pieces makes HxH art too, bro
Dunning fucking Kruger.

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didnt expect goat robb banks in Zig Forums

>it's not art if i don't like it and doesn't reference old paintings with 1000 iq big brain meaning behind it

>imagine being traumatized by berserk
cringe, berserk is good because guts character, the arc of the golden age that gives a huge weight to the story.
guts is a very human character and you want him to achieve his goal, when you see the golden age arc you realize how heavy his goal is and although it seems impossible you still want him to win because we see him struggle and we see him change and even though the quality of berserk has gone done during the years and now feels like a completely different manga, one thing that remains the same is guts and that makes berserk a good manga, sure is not a master piece or atleast not anymore but is pretty good.
now the art is also pretty good, if you don't like gore that's fine but to say is shit or that people only like it because of the gore is bullshit.
i think the art helps a lot to the weight of the story, i don't think the eclipse would have nearly the same impact if it wasn't for the art and the gore, even though the real deal is the story, the build up and the character development, the art also play a huge role in how memorable the whole golden age arc was.
now if you don't like it because of muh gore perhaps i can recommend you something more tolerable for you?, how about steven universe.

nice bait

Berserk was a great warhammer-esque dark fantasy manga. Anything else, like the Band of the Hawk shit and the new high fantasy bullshit is really just bad. And it got worse as time went on.

People don't really care anymore and this isn't even taking into account the infamous hiatuses.

How is that ironic? seems perfectly in line with what OP said, proips to miura for nt eternally pandering to edgefags.

It's ironic how berserkfags still think their shitty dark souls fanfiction still matters in this day and age.

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based fucking hunterGOD