Hunter x Hunter

Kurapika has become so cool and dark now, he wouldn't think twice about killing someone who stands in his way.
I didn't really like his character before but now I feel like I can relate to him because I find it hard to restrain my emotions as well. Also I was bullied in high school and can understand how Kurapika feels when he talks about hating the phantom troupe.
Hopefully he will descend even deeper into the abyss of hate.

Thoughts on his development?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>protecting his wife's baby
>cool and dark

Are you guys really that desperate you have to resort to pasta threads in order to stay on the front page at all time?

Hunterfags are in shambles. They haven't had a chapter in 6 months. Just imagine not getting your precious boku no pico for half a year.and you'll understand.

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Comedy gold. Really makes you realize the level of the standard shounen shitter.

Based. He is ready to brutally torture and kill anyone and everyone that stand in the way of his revenge, he rose from a kid born to a small forest clan, to one of the most influential mafia bosses in the world, he doesn't care about anyone's life including his own and lives only to recover his massacred clan's pride, I also want to give him a headpat.

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hxh sucks

I love Kurapika and how beaten down he is. Subversive ideas like this in HxH are why Togashi is such an insanely good author.

You start the page with a panel and it’s light and begins the dialogue with such a promise of happiness. In other Shonen Kurapika might look toward the next day and feel like his soul is being rejuvenated then say some shit like "my friends are my home!". But it slowly drowns out the light with dark and ends with Kurapika looking hopeless and melancholy on top of just depressed dialogue.
Like you feel every once of this dude’s hurt because he’s trying so hard to even be happy but he’s human. He can’t detach himself from the depression of losing all of your family and friends. Also yknow he’s starting to see this whole eye thing as frivolous and it was only born from his depression as a coping mechanism when now it’s just a warped obsession reminding him of his heartbreak

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what is this expression trying to convey?

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So many goddamn things. Gon wanted things to be simpler than this. He wanted a villain, but the series is too complex to give him one. So much anger still, but now he sees she’s not lying, that she’s been telling the truth all along – and that he should have seen it. And he doesn’t recognize himself. My god, what a scene.

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>2 things
>so many at once

What is he up to?

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I can't express how glad I am for finding a piece of literature like hunterxhunter on this board without breaking the character limit.
The fanbase is full of like-minded people you can discuss with on a level above the usual shounen fandoms. Whenever I feel sad or disappointed by the quality of most threads on Zig Forums, hunterCHADS pull it off to brighten my mood with thoughtful commentary, intelligent jokes and simple memes for the newcomers who haven't yet learned the ways of the hunter.

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Kudos to the anime adaptation of this scene as well. Megumi Han fucking kills it. Her intensity, both in his quiet fury and when he explodes, and how he sounds both in command and out of control the whole episode… and how that plays against Pitou's vulnerability and humanity… man. I haven't watched the episode in years and I can still hear it.

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>HxH is the most original and subversive shounen
>the protagonist starts from typical shounen protagonist but does questionable decisions
>the villains are complex and intricate and not one dimensional
>you are robbed of a conventional narrative
Literally Eden is better than HxH in every regard AND it's completed

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Likewise user. I feel the same way.

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Look at all of that fucking SOUL accomplished with only a pencil, some ink, and minimal details. Togashi can blow your mind with a simple drawing in its style and expressiveness while hacks have too overcompensate by making their art look "pretty".

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I read it, it's better than HxH sure, but it's not shounen
HxH's genius is that it's aimed for kids yet manages to convey everything the author intended perfectly still

Did you forget how he shrugged off Oito's reaction to Momoze's death? If you honestly believe he isn't protecting them purely for his own ends then you misread the whole subtext. Kurapika does not give a single FUCK about anything but accomplishing his goals. Period.

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I just spent 4 and a half hours looking for a unreleased ost from the 2011 anime, empty handed

This has to be the largest amount of COPE in recent memory
>i-it's better but it doesn't appeal to babies
>w-where are the superpowers? I want my capeshit!

Sorry to hear that, hunterfriend.
Let me lend you a "hand". ;)

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BASED Hunterchads.

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>Still no edit of the Woble page with Agni's face

11fags do not deserve HxH

Haha fuck no, ive never even seen more than 50 episodes. I'm just in a shitty mood and wanted to complain about it in your thread

Look, idk if you're being ironic or not at this point, but I'll be glad if you never leave your containment threads again

>HxH can both have an extremely down to earth arc exploring the criminal underworld and a balls to the wall battle for humanity exploring the absolute extremes of human nature, ideals and beliefs AND keep them down to earth AND pull both of them off perfect
>also has actual fantasy world building while pulling it off perfectly and making the world seem alive
>also does all of this by keeping the violence to the absolute bare minimum the story being told needs
>''B-But muh rape!''
Let me guess, just graduated from shounenshit?

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I am catching up atm and I appreciate that he is threatening to fucking kill people if they so much as blink while shoving a gun in their face. It's so ruthless and seinen like.

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>also does all of this by keeping the violence to the absolute bare minimum the story being told needs
And yet whenever someone posts a "kino" moment it's all goreshit or threat of violence
For instance:
>just graduated from shounen?
I haven't "graduated" from anything, I read shounen seinen shoujo and hentai according to mood for my enjoyment, they're all aimed at kids anyways

Hello? Based department?

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Well said. Down to earth is how I'd describe Yorknew as well. I loved the intimate focus on Kurapika and Paku, dropping down a notch and focusing on the struggles and loyalties to their own versus their own desires rather than having some cliche battle as the climax of the arc.

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