3x3 thread

Favorite characters edition

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I see 6 Shonen there.

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man with no cresta detected

+GTO, Yots, Kira

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My favourite character is Odysseus
Crocodile fucking based
Enel, Doffy and Blackbeard are also welcome if you like those, especially Blackbeard
Yotsuba lovely and adorable
Onizuka high level bro
The rest are faggot especially punpun and kira

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What did Danpei actually do as a coach

You're literally begging to get this thread deleted, aren't you? Anyway ...

Characters: 4/7
Anime/manga: 3/6

Characters: 3/4
Anime: 3/4

Not even the best character in his own epic.

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>Hating on the vice principal
+++Beck, +Initial D

I liked him as a father figure.

Liking Wan Piss doesn't go hand in hand with the stuff you have in your list

Early one piece is great, it jumps the shark at the timeskip

>it jumps the shark at the timeskip
I never got that argument. It's exactly the same stuff before and after the time skip. I think that it was just a welcome excuse for people who had already gotten tired of it, but had invested too much of their time to admit that, to draw a line.

One Piece is great and a very effective pleb filter. Only midwits hate it.
I like all the timeskip arcs except Punk Hazard which is the worst arc in the manga


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>One Piece is great and a very effective pleb filter.
A reverse "pleb filter", yes. It feeds idiots the same thing over and over and keeps many of them from exploring other manga.

Onizuka is easily one of the most based characters in existence.

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Filtered. One Piece gives the readers what they want: more of the same. And that's a good thing. It's the vanilla ice cream of manga.

>more of the same. And that's a good thing.
Since when is that a good thing? If you don't have anything new to tell anymore, write a fucking ending and wrap it up!

>still image range banned
fuck Zig Forums

Midwits wouldn't understand.


girl charas

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boy charas

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No the characters became parodies of themselves to appeal to new readers.
Doflamingo who was hyped for almost a decade ended up being boring.
The shichibukai felt much more threatening than the emperors and still had some personnality to them.
I love the new islands but the fights are always boring.
The only new characters introduced that I liked are caesar clown, senor pink and capone bege.
The strawhats don't have comfy interactions on the ship anymore and the humor who worked because it subverted expectations (Best example of this is the enel fight) became just luffy screaming and being oblivious to things (Best example of this is amazon lily arc)

Do you eat the same thing every day? Watch the same film each evening? Go to bed at the same time to dream the same dream all night every night and to wake up and go to work an assembly line job?

Well, I guess the reason I cannot relate to that is that I always saw the characters as shallow parodies, found the fights boring and didn't enjoy the humour.

reddit thread

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>I dislike something, therefore it is Reddit

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