Japan's Strongest Love Couple In History of Animation


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Sorry, wrong picture

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I like those two but them being 1st is some high-tier bullshit.

Just shows that nobody writes about couples



Literally who

So fucking boring

nips showing their baste taste yet again

More like BASE taste.

classic coping

>still pushing Kirino in 2020
go home grandpa


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>700 votes.
Not the most desicive innit?

Fucking based oreimoCHAD

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>confirmed to have put his dick in her and filled her with semen
>still acts like a beta
How the fuck she got him to propose without thinking it was a joke is beyond me.

Shit list!

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Based nekoquads destroying kirinoshits.

I wonder what Japan is gonna think when they find out the kid isn't his.

None of these polls are. Pretty much no one votes in them because people view them as a joke.

Shows that Japs have no taste.

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Pretty shit except a few of them.

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Biggest cope in this thread.

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I don't see OP and dicks in the ranking.

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>SAO in 4th place with 240 votes
fucking lmao who cares

>incest shit
Kill yourself

>21.Shirou x Rin

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The househusband and his wife is best and cutest.

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