Was this panel supposed to be for comedic purposes or was I actually supposed to take it serious

Was this panel supposed to be for comedic purposes or was I actually supposed to take it serious

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Crying isn't supposed to be attractive.

user, not every mangaka can be as great as Fujimoto when it comes to depicting emotions...

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Was this thread a one-time shitpost or are we supposed to see it every day?

Shut the fuck up manbabies.

Look at the fucking ears and the completely random cross-hatching, this art reeks of amateurish inexperience.

The OP never said something about attractiveness. The problem is that Oda's depiction of sadness and despair on this panel is off by a mile, it doesn't convey either sadness, not despair, nothing. Luffy looks like one of those onions wojaks on this panel for God's sake.

Is crying suppose to be hilarious?

Nope, it's the same bored retard who has nothing else going on his life except farming (you)s in an attempt to validate his existence.

cope, wanpissfaggots

>lol open mouth how funneh

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He is passing out from mental breakdown.

it isn't supposed to be funny either

He looks like he’s hungry.

I never understood why retards have a problem with this panel. He is very clearly crying out from desperation. You can tell by his blank eyes and his eyebrows. He isn't smiling either. His mouth is so big because he's crying so fucking hard. Honestly people who complain about Luffy's face sound like they've never actually read One Piece at all, otherwise they'd be familiar with the way Oda pushes character's expressions to extremes to convey the most powerful emotions.

No need to defend it.
It was bad then and it is now.


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>My pain is far greater than yours


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This is bait just don't fall for it.

Based and truthpilled. Oda simply wasn't born with the genius Fujimoto have which makes it all the more admirable that he tries.

Someone tell me why this is spammed so much.

Template OP
Template first post

The absolute fucking state of Zig Forums

How new?

One Piece is better

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Keep trying to force a meme, unfunny retard.

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That shit looks awful.

>mfw op is a bleachnigger

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>nooo you can't have character portrayed with large expressions in a manga!

This is a stale pasta, even if you genuinely dislike the panel because you feel it’s comical, at least come up with a genuine argument explaining through the whole arc (or atleast volume) why this face feels out of place. Because personally as I read Marineford I never feel a problem with tone shifts. That moment to me carries a heavy weight and because of that I’ve never found it comical in the least. So unless you want to start a thread discussing how comedy has been portrayed through the manga while explaining how this is an example of a comical face or any other refreshing way of making a threads out of pasta like you like to do, I suggest you stop making bad threads.

Legit good examples there but Fujimoto is a god at expressions.

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>Fujimoto is a god at expressions
Read more manga

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Genuinely curious, how would you improve this panel? Luffy is supposed to be so shocked that he lost consciousness here so I'm not really sure what other expression he could've made