
New episode soon

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You have read a book today or at least sometime this week, haven't you? I wonder how much this series has gotten people into picking up books or back into the habit of reading again.

Because you called it Bookworm again instead of Honzuki we're going to get a several people making Honzuki threads doomed to die again, like last week

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I only read books when I'm in jail.

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Why do all the good shows air in Saturday?

So what were you in for?
innocent loli headpats i presume

Trying to stab a bunch cops because I thought they were buglers one time. Giving them a fake name another time, it usually has to do with the police.

Those people are filthy weebs who should know better!

Legit question, are you black?

Nope. White.
Bakarina is on.

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LN version

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>New episode soon
I'm looking forward to it.
Anyone know if season two finished prodution (so that episodes aren't delayed by stupid virus issues)?

Finished production last year. No delays.


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I wonder why they're playing Bakarina twice. They must have a lot of free slots thanks to covid.

Manga version

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Dino is supposed to be playing, but it's not.

She should be embarrassed to be seen with this poorfag.

I read 2~5 books every week.
And not kiddies picture book or chinese comic either.

Wow! You're such a big boy reading books with all those words and no pictures! I'm so proud!

Wow they keep playing Hamefura all night. Gimme my Book loli.

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2 shorts

My dick

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>Finished production last year. No delays.
Wasn't season one still airing this year? Was season two beings worked on or done before one even aired?!? Not complaining as I'm happy to see that it will air uninterrupted, but find it strange.

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Wonder which if the gods is responsible for her rebirth and memory?


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From December
>「本好きの下剋上Blu-ray BOX1同梱のブックレットを読むと記述がありますが、最初から2クールで作業を進めていました。先日終わったのは2クール分全ての作業ですので、春からの放送をお楽しみに。新しいOP、EDもかなり良いですよ〜(≧∀≦)この続きも作れるといいな! 制作的には14章と15章の間があく予定は当初ありませんでした。その辺も含めてBlu-rayのブックレットを読んでもらうとより楽しめると思います。15章以降のラストまでの盛り上がりは相当楽しめる筈です。………来年4月からですが(;;」

Doe this look like the face of mercy?

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They're way too excited to receive those.

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Smug sexy nerd.

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>child labour
Is Myne based?

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