Anyone else really happy the kny spam will finally stop in just a few weeks, since the ending was confirmed?

Anyone else really happy the kny spam will finally stop in just a few weeks, since the ending was confirmed?

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>He believes there's no Kny:RE on the works

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Yeah it's not like there's a movie and probably more seasons of the anime coming out in the next few years.

Friendly reminder Dragonball never switched to Z, it was still Dragonball.

The manga went to shit somewhere after the train arc. The final arc in specific is just awful.

What killed the hype

The axe.

It's been a shitshow since the very beginning
I never understood why it got so popular among normies

Because it's babys first UFOtable anime. Normies don't read manga

because its good and fun to watch, faggot

Hmmmm..... success breed jealousy.

A lot of great hollywood movies came from adapting novels. After cutting out the shit, changing some stuff from the novels then you have a great movie. I think you can make some great OVA or movies if a studio has the balls to cut and change some stuff.

No one cares about movies. There'll be a few threads and then forgotten.

Must be nice to be so new you think that KnY threads have been "spammed" lol

Well it's not a long running series. It barely lasted 4 years.

The only KnY threads on Zig Forums are its generals and hate threads such as this. Must be really quite sad to get so butthurt over a series just because it's more popular than your favorite shonenino.

Right now there 0 (zero) kimetsu thread

I will miss DOUSHINO

The story is nothing special, and I do think this last arc was pretty shit, but people just saw the anime and it looked nice so they think it’s the best anime ever. It can be enjoyable sure, it’s not the worst thing ever made, but it’s certainly not the best.

>dude we're not spamming it's just an eternal general
>yes it's true we don't have anything to discuss but that doesn't matter
At least be honest with yourself. You're like the db super general.

>eternal general

I don't care about the generals when there are no new chapters, but 1 thread up is hardly spamming, retard, just like OP generals and MHA generals aren't spamming. And there are literally 0 KnY threads up right now.

>he's believes KnY threads will stop
>he makes a KnY thread
Silly OP

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Are we just going to ignore all the konosuba movie threads

There are 3 academia thread right now, 3 super, 3 op and so on
>>kny are spammers

>other series do it tooooo
Yes, but that doesn't excuse them either. If you have nothing to talk about, it's literally spam. If you want to be seen as better than the rest, at least admit it's true.
Don't even get me started during the anime run.

What the fuck is "you"? I literally said I don't enter the generals when there are no new chapters because I don't give a fuck. 1 thread isn't spam, it's not doing anything to the board to have it there, if you don't want to enter, just do what I do and ignore it. If you can't handle the presence of one measly thread about OP/KNY/MHA, then cry me a river, cuck.

The manga is outselling one piece

>Kimetsutard in denial

Hey dekufag

Cry more dude.

This is the face of JUMP executives at this exact moment as Demon Slayer and One Piece are about to end.

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You're the one doing all the crying that one general is somehow personally affecting your enjoyment of the board.


>nooooooooooooooooooo there's no new chapter therefore your thread is not allowed how dare you not my heckin Zig Forums board devoted to manga and anime reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
You're not the gatekeeper of Zig Forums and you never will be. KnY threads aren't against the rules because KnY is a manga/anime. I could make a thread asking everyone's opinion on their favorite haori in KnY and it would be allowed because it's a discussion about the manga. If you don't like it, feel free to kill yourself.

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