Yesterday no Utatte

Leaked footage from episode 6 is out! This episode focuses more on Kinoshita, and his the work he does for his community. It may appear that he is trying to gentrify the neighborhood but Kino is a pillar in his community. Sadly his outreach to help the homeless takes an unfortunate turn when he has to fire Uozumi because his rehab friends from high school continue to harang customers driving them away. He ends up laid out on the pavement and his dad is called to pick him up. You'll never guess which one his dad is. The episode comes to a close with Raven beginning to take interest in Alex. Truly there is justice in this world, as well a good moral here. Hard work and effort will pay off, and falling back into your decrepit old ways will only land you in a hospital - or worse. Anyone else have that group of friends that you know are a bad influence but you just can't shake them off? I got serious deja vu from this episode, even this street looks like a place I just drove past. Crazy.

Attached: HorribleSubs_Yesterday_wo_Utatte_-_06_720p.mkv_snapshot_10.15_2020.05.02_01.26.png (1390x720, 1.02M)

Other urls found in this thread:

why is alex in the window

>This episode focuses more on Kinoshita
Kinoshita have a cute sister that will participate in the next arc, I think?

what is this? tokyo grandfathers homage?

I cant wait

he runs the convenience store dude haven't you been watching the show at all

Insert song leaked as well

should have been the ED, missed opportunity

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>Kino Mart

This show would be a lot better if they removed most of the main characters. Uozumi, Shinako, and the edgy kid with the safety pin through his ear are all insufferable.

>Anyone else have that group of friends that you know are a bad influence but you just can't shake them off?
Are you talking about Shinako because that’s the only friend MC needs to shake off by not orbiting her any longer

it should just be cute haru doing cute things with crows show

I'd watch it.

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What’s with the incessant need to make threads hours before the show comes out, doubly so when it’s a manga adaptation. Last weeks episode was even a few hours late.

I believe that got taken care of last episode, if he is still orbiting her after that... I guess I want to say I'd be shocked but who knows if Uozumi has hit rock bottom yet. Surely he has.

Attached: HorribleSubs_Yesterday_wo_Utatte_-_05_720p.mkv_snapshot_05.24_2020.04.25_10.45.36.png (1280x835, 816.65K)

>stop making threads about anime on anime site!


You know, I am a strong believer in karma, I do believe that you get what you deserve, and Uozumi is headed for the predictable end, so you may get your wish on that front. As for Shinako and the lesser beta I can't imagine them getting more screen time as the focus shifts over to Kino and Raven.

You know the manga has concluded right?

>can't imagine getting more screen time

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Dude its obvious they are going with an anime original route since Kino started working out and Uozumi started doing drugs.

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Best character appears this week. We also get to see Haru in her highschool outfit. Please look forward to it.

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Is this show not getting delayed like everything else?

Looking forward to this

The first 2 episodes were finished over a year ago. This is probably fully finished.

stream is out
get it fags

why is disgusting dead?



why is disgusting dead?


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is this some inside joke that I'm not aware of?

he's not but they might be foreshadowing