I don't create swords

I don't create swords.

I create a world that contains an infinite amount of swords.

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This is the only magic allowed to Emiya Shirou.

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Asspull: the character
Pretty much.


Well, to be fair, it's pretty much the difference with Gil's gimmick and the reason why he was able to defeat him.

This scene is even worse in VN. Emiya has milisecond left to live yet he still managed to monologue for at least 10 pages. It's basically impossible to parody Nasu.

based ginger fucking cunt


Those are split second thoughts, they're not monologues.

god, if shirou was less of an autist and could actually clearly say what he meant, fate/stay night would probably be more enjoyable. case in point, this fucking scene:
>I don't create swords.
swords, or in other words noble phantasms. are the crystallization of one's feats and deeds, which allows them to be recognized as a hero. shirou, and by extension archer, don't want to be heroes. they want to be happy.
>I create a world that contains an infinite amount of swords.
shirou and archer feel they have to save people, because they believed it would make themselves happy. the world they want implies a world filled with suffering, so that saving can be performed, which is not what they want to be happy. a world that can contain an infinite amount of swords is a world that can contain heroes, heroes being necessary to fight against evil and suffering.

so why didnt gilgamesh just throw a bucket of lava at him?

okay so you guys are better than writing than NASU
okay retards

That's basic literary symbolism user. It doesn't need to be explained you the reader should be smart enough to figure that out on their own.

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>power that is basically a fancy version of creation/mimicry with bells and tassles
>somehow using this power that he's always had, that we know he's always had, the way we know it works thanks to every prior time it's been used, and the many, many explanations for it is an asspull which is by definition an unexplained and sudden development that happens out of nowhere with no foreshadowing or set-up beforehand
Now don't misunderstand, while I think Shirou's powers are pretty neat conceptually they are convenient as fuck and quite possibly the most convenient powers ever created for his setting by a large margin because projecting NP's that allow a regular human to go toe-to-toe with Servants, gives him the experience of the weapons wielder along with the skills they had, on top of their unique abilities to the point there's never going to be a situation he's completely without options is too damn convenient but they aren't an asspull, just kind of overpowered.
>inb4 the rabid shirou defenders jump down my throat with 'rank down or nerves splitting bullshit'
rank down means literally jack shit and hasn't impeded him in a significant way even once and the nerve splitting bs is almost a non-issue with how little it ends up mattering. HF got it right with him basically being a time bomb destroying himself and having to shave years off his life as cost for the power he needed

i know user, but it is not the symbolism i am referring to. i'm referring to the literal writing itself, which is so clunkily phrased and written (even in the original japanese due to all the chuunispeak) that we still have to deal with the "people die when they're killed"/"something really is something" memes 15 years later.

Holy based


>There was no way to open this window.
>Indeed, the opening of the window was beyond the capability of a normal human.
>Locked, chained and restrained, like a mollusk hiding behind the aromatic and tender caress of an educated prostitute
>That was how the window was deemed to be, a world where not a single entity was allowed to approach near it's majestic visage and open it.
>The fire that burned inside my chest, willing to claim that statement as false reminded me of the flames of that day, reminding me of the shade of a man I once knew, trying forever more to attain happiness by helping others, but losing everything in the end
>Faster, faster, faster. Lighter, more precise and with more vigor, I aproach my objective and with a heavy roar, I use all my remaining strength to prove my resolve.


>This window is an eyesore.
>This window. This window. This window. This window. This window. This window. This window. This window. This window. This window. This window. This window. This window. This window. This window. This window. This window. This window. This window. This window. This window. This window. This window. This window. This window. This window. This window. This window. This window. This window. This window. This window. This window. This window.



That sounds like you create swords with extra steps

Nice RM you got there

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>I don't like how this power works so it's convenient

Sure thing bro

>implying shiki wouldn't fry is brain

A world of infinite weaponry which allows Shirou to pull out the ideal weapon he needs for any given situation that, while not letting him outright stomp still, lets Shirou go from athletic yet normal teen to being able to compete on nearly the same level as and even defeat these super powerful beings with power outright stated to be equal or even superior to entire armies is somehow not convenient.

He actually wouldn't. As of MB, he can canonically casually tear through Reality Marbles. Destroying the NP's Shirou creates might fry his brain but the world that produces them is entirely in his capabilities.

He only defeats Gilgamesh and that's due to gil not taking the fight seriously. Berserker was heavily nerfed in their "fight"

>why is this story centred around an exemplary individual and not a normal shmoe who nothing happens to?

Stop putting words in my mouth. Never say anything was wrong with an exceptional protagonist. I don't care what anyone says, a normal joe is fucking boring 9 times out 10. Shirou is a great protagonist, I love his development in all three routes, I like seeing his inner conflict unfold as his beliefs are pushed to their limits and how he responds to the situation he finds himself in, his personality even when he's an idiot is pretty endearing to me. I like Shirou a lot. I just think that his powers are a bit overpowered.

>He only defeats Gilgamesh and that's due to gil not taking the fight seriously.
He had faster sword spam, kept pressure on Gil the entire fight so he wouldn't regain his composure, and competed with him fairly evenly in CQC the moment they were inside UBW along with Gil not taking the fight seriously. There's a lot of factors piled into that fight that led to it's conclusion.
Same thing with Berserker.
It's just a lot of tension was killed for me knowing that well I'm sure Shirou has something that'll help out in this situation, which he more than often does.

His power is just broken bullshit. This autistic japanese high schooler goes from slightly strengthening a roll of paper to projecting every legendary weapon he wants COMPLETE with the skills of the original user. It's fucking shit.
And now don't start explaining all the plot conveniences that make it possible, I already know all of that. It's shit on a conceptual level. A ridiculous, unearned hax that shits on everyone else and the setting itself.

Nevermind you already agree with me.

>HF got it right with him basically being a time bomb destroying himself and having to shave years off his life as cost for the power he needed
And then LOL artificial body.
Bravo Nasu

>rank down
Yeah this is kind of bs that although Archer says his weapons will never be as good as the originals he still fucks with the composition of the weapon and in FGO this whole idea is retconned when he says he infuses the weapons he traces with a stronger material that humans haven't discovered yet. Kind of stupid but if Shirou gets this ability as well I can see why the rank down wouldn't matter. I guess you could defend it by saying its the same material his bow is made out of and is even mentioned in the VN. It could be that Archer and Shirou were doing this the whole time but knowing Nasu he probably thought of it later and said thats what was happening the whole time.
Pretty much all the projection he does in UBW and some of the stuff he does in SN should tear his mind apart like in HF but since in those routes he still has his attachment with Saber, Avalon probably fixes shit for him.