Itachi vs Orochimaru fight was bullshit

Do Kishi really wants us to believe that a powerful as fuck Ninja like Orochimaru would suck so much at fighting Itachi?

I always thought Oro and Itachi had a big and impressive fight (lots of taijutsu and ninjutsu) were Itachi had to abuse his MS powers, but no, fucking Oro drops like trash with a basic genjutsu lol

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Did you expect anything different coming a fight with Itachi?

Incase you never noticed, Kishi is very Uchiha biased.

Came here to post this

Well why didn't you?

Kishi sucking Itachi’s dick

Everything involving Itachi just screams gary stu. He's so annoying.

Itachi has to be the gayest character of all time. Literally ninja muhammad

>Had to kill his entire race because of its niggerdry
>Had to kill his highschool sweet heart by using eye powers and giving her an orgasm so strong it burned out her brain.
>Had to make his favorite family member hate him and pursue him in vengeance.
>Had to die to that vengeance
>Had to live amongst pieces of shit and commit warcrimes and murders.
>Is a patriot, will never be recorded as such.
How is he a stu?

The Uchiha clan uses cheat codes. Nobody can win against them.

>Mary Sue as Idealized Character
>The interpretation that Mary Sue is a character that is idealized to a fault. A very influential interpretation, this one tends to get applied to most discussions. This theory posits that a Mary Sue is an unrealistically capable and virtuous character, one who simply lacks flaws and is depicted in an overly positive light.
>However, both this interpretation and a shift of society as a whole towards cynicism has led to many people trying to mask their otherwise idealized characters with either total non-flaws (e.g. being So Beautiful, It's A Curse and other Cursed with Awesome details), flaws by proxy (e.g. Dark and Troubled Past)

Naruto made a bigger hole in that water tank than Sasuke.

>how is he a stu
Well one, he(being...15? at the time) killed his whole clan pretty much all by himself. Yeah Obito was there, but still that's two guys against a whole clan of Uchiha.
Second, he just so happens to have one of Shisuis' eyes just lying around.
He litterally pulls that sword sealing bullshit out his ass in order to seal Nagato. Which I should mention would have never lost otherwise.
And lastly, he pulls ANOTHER jutsu out of his ass to beat Kabuto. Which would also have never lost otherwise.

Kishi just loooooves that Uchiha dick.

The chidori has a smaller but more lethal area.

A lot of it is for the sake of the plot, but they took out the police station and in doing so pretty much had their way with the city block. How you might ask? Because Itachi was a member and was also anbu and yes he had help from an incredibly skilled shinobi, stop being a lil bitch about it.

Those are not faults one would want, people don't want to hurt their lovers, their families, their people or their siblings. People don't like committing the kinds of acts Itachi had to in the akatski, we can't even medicate our vets from that shit you dumb faggot.

which is why so many people have been hit by it in the chest and survived.

None of these events stop him from being a Sue, in fact having an edgy past is just more ammo for the 'so brooding and mysterius' aura self inserts like him are liked for. Itachi always had a plan for everything, he never lost, even when he did, and had asspull after asspull. If you can't see how the writing jerks him off then I don't know what to tell you.

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Only the Third Hokage as far as I remembered, and he even aknowledged how great the jutsu was, and it wasn't even the S-rank version of the chidori. The other people that survived did so due to their hacks, like Kakozu and his 5 hearts, or Obito and his Hashirama cells. 99.999999% of the time the chidori/raikiri would be a one hit KO


That you are in denial and have a hate boner for a fictitious character, that you honest to god think killing people is so badass. That you have no idea what a loyalty fantasy is or how shitty it would be to mark yourself as a traitor or conspirator. That you honestly don't have a single person in your family that you care about, that you honestly don't have any neighbor, friend or co-worker that you have some kind of affection for. I submit that you are in fact the edgy faggot because Itachi did not like killing or seeing death or seeing people in pain and yet that was everything he was forced to do. He left no record of loyal service, he was forced to do things that pained him and he couldn't ever talk to the people he wanted. : V

Enjoy your Naruto board, I just happened by. love Zig Forums

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>Enjoy your Naruto board, I just happened by. love Zig Forums
Oh not the coward is running after being proved wrong. As expected of redditors.

>proved wrong
Jesus christ this place is DA tier,

I think I struck a nerve. It's OK if you like Itachi, but the fact is that he's a gary stu.

Sorry English is my first language.

More like a neocon drone. The Uchiha were merely meeting to discuss what could be done about their situation and (((they))) gave the Itachi the order to kill his own clan, simply for meeting each other. What a good drone Itachi was.

A king that's what he is
Also i think Kisame was actually cool and layered, not like Itachi but in the same level

And that's the only time and place where Naruto surpases Sasuke the rest is in Sasuke's pussy ass imagination

Yep it should've played like Itachi was used and been worked on since he entered the ambu but no they went for "muh Uchiha bad blood was so strong that even Fugaku, his fucking leader and wielder of the mangekyo, couldn't do anything about it, even though the 3rd also wanted to discuss things out. Oh and also couldn't fucking see what his son was being pushed into for 2 years"

True, Kisame was fed up with the worlds bullshit and was just biding his time until Madara's plan gave him the world he wanted, he was just a chill, somewhat crazy dude who loved a good fight.

Can't we declare that fight non-canon and imagine something more similar to Kabuto vs Itachi?
I don't think full power Orochimaru would do much worse than Kabuto. Swarm the field in a sea of snakes and use fuckey jutsus Itachi doesn't even know, Orochimaru's goal was supposedly to learn all Jutsu so even if he doesn't have the sound 4 absorbed he should pull off some impressive tricks. Just falling to a random genjutsu is out of character, I mean did he seriously not expect an Uchiha to put him inside an illusion???
In fact it surprises me Orochimaru never developed something against illusions. Perhaps a special snake that will bite him out of it if he stops moving, or anti-genjutsu drugs that mess with your brain or Chakra

You don't like gary stus?

orochimaru got top tier mouth game

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>Fugaku, his fucking leader and wielder of the mangekyo, couldn't do anything about it,
The Uchiha massacre was forced and not fleshed out enough. Hiruzen didnt try anything and just sat on his ass and theres no way that the Uchiha would agree to be resettled to the outskirts. And Fugaku was just as badly written, what father wouldnt realise whats going on and allow his son to kill his entire clan?