Young successful coworker says he wants to marry her

>young successful coworker says he wants to marry her
>she still gets charmed by a literal deadbeat loser
>fantasizes about having his kid while married to coworker
What the hell is wrong with this woman?

Attached: k21.png (1132x1600, 587.36K)

Nothing, that how it's work

She's acting like a woman

That's the joke...

Oh user. One day you'll understand that this is how it is if you don't do what needs to be done.

Look up Alpha Fucks, Beta Bucks
Dread Game
Frame Control

What's wrong user? Too real for you?

Women are stupid retarded degenerate whores, not suprising

the deadbeat's hotter.

talking from experience incel?

It's pretty much a deadbeat loser fantasy.


Attached: k5.png (1132x1600, 481.47K)

Well she does describe herself as a deadbeat bicycle

Attached: F15.png (992x1400, 1.51M)

Zig Forums leaks just too much.

How is this "too real" ?

I don't understand

This manga went straighht to shit the moment it introduced the new guy.

I kind of like him, the hair looks a bit ridiculous though.

Attached: k16.png (1132x1600, 627.25K)

This is a nice manga. It's fun to see such a degenerate woman as a main character. Usually at best they're just a side character with one perverted gag that they do over and over.

Thoughts on the artist?

her gym pictures are pretty hot

Attached: matsumoto_kyujo_98452.jpg (414x593, 78.4K)

somehow those moles on her face are super erotic

woof, putting the PD in 3DPD

>Doesnt post one of the gym pictures
what the fuck

Attached: 83941969_132277011601430_7449451511448468212_n.jpg (900x900, 118.15K)

is this cuck shit
Am i reading cuck shit Zig Forums

thx for incel bait thread op

Go back.

No, I'm speaking from success. Take it or leave it.

If you're successful why are you posting on Zig Forums?

>What the hell is wrong with this woman?
>this woman

She is a blasphemous witch that lose her virginity to a goat head demon. What else do you expect from her.

Seems like she must be great at giving head

What makes you say that?