This week, in the Zig Forums classroom

This week, in the Zig Forums classroom...

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The class is cancelled.

smell ya later NPCs I've got the window seat

I want to have sex... I want to one girl to pop my cherry ao much

Hey, I'm user. I'll be sitting next to you. Feel free to ask me anything about any rumors or any of the girls in our class.

Sensei I, aaaaaahn....I'm sick today, I can't....I can't coooome in today....

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Every student must visit the infirmary before class to get a hand sanitizer and to check the body temperature.

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Sorry I'm late I was busy saving a dog from the forces of evil

We shall begin ethics

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Sensei, help! Someone is having non-consenting sex with me!

>Back of the class team
Get in

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>oi, omae!
>Did you just wall past the top Banchou of Yamikamisuka North High... without paying your respects, daze?
>Ora ora... looks like oretachi need to teach this brat a lesson!

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Sorry user! I borrowed your pencil yesterday but now it's my property now.

>Shaved eyebrows
Kimochi warui.

Do the online classes in Japan get trolled as well?

Tsk, Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.
oi oi oi oi oi oi

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>I'm a complete autist that sits alone in the centre of the class not paying attention and day dreaming about isekai n shit

I'm gonna go sit in the center of the classroom while being an autistic sperg


>Center spergs still think they won't be dragged to the back
Sho ganai, get my lunch glasses.

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Whoever has the best glasses-adjusting move

>*goes to nurses office to sleep for the hundredth time*

guise, is that user going through the gates with a girl?

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my seat.

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Ne... user-san, join my club please

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>Back of class glasses adjuster

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Okay, but tell me what your club's about first.

So you are the MC...

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>tfw comic relief male side character

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School is still cancelled because of Corona-chan. I miss in-person lectures

Gender study club desu

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