Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure

What’s the most annoying/least favourite thing about jojo’s be that anime or manga wise.

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>What’s the most annoying/least favourite thing about jojo’s
Not using hermit purple to track down a serial killer on the loose was stupidest shit ever, made me almost drop part 4 all together.

I dropped part 4 when the killer escaped. How retarded everyone became was just unforgivable.

Part 4 sucks besides Killer Queen

Maybe you should learn to read

Speed reader

One thing that pisses me off about jojo is not really about the series itself but about the fanbase

Why the fuck is there so little rock human content? Hell, Jojolion in general gets little attention, but rock humans get nothing.

They have all these interesting stands and abilities and characters who are fascinating, and yet there's nothing.

Not even a single goddamn crossover fic, not even that. And while lord knows 99% of those are bad, even a single good one would be exponentially better than nothing.

Like 90% of the fanbase is anime only, and a lot of the people who actually read the manga decided to wait till part 8 ends before they read it

How stupid. One of the best part of being up to date and read something as it's going is discussion.

And the lack of fear of spoilers

The fanbase


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the fanbase is fucking putrid

the fanbase

Now that I think about it, that might actually be the only way to have a normal discussion about Jojo on this board

The fanbase for sure. I've never seen such a braindead and disrespectful group of fans than them.
They literally speedread or don't get some plotpoints and straight up just blame it on "lol le Araki forgot" meme just to justify their own [HEADCANON]
>Dio not using his vampire powers in part 3
>Josuke's savior flashback is time travel
>Hermit purple to find Kira
>Pucci's universe reset into Steel Ball Run
Seriously they're retarded as fuck.

Fanbase, easily.

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Fanbase, they make me feel bad for liking JoJo watch this you faggot

Part 5

Stand stats

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the abhorrent fanbase.

now that normie zoomers have caught on to it, this series is basically the rick and morty of anime

"jojo reference" is 10 times as worse as it used to be and you cant go a day on the internet without seeing some faggot make one

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because Araki forgot
>is used at the beggining of the part and it helped them track down a serial killer that was going to kill Tomoko
>hurrr, let's never use it again, it's clearly not useful
arakishills will defend this

>He can't read

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Secondaries killing the fanbase in record time.

Derailing the thread slightly: is there any real difference between reading the manga and watching the anime (before moving onto SO, SBR and JoJolion) other than
>look at this fag, he didn't read the manga

There are some manga exclusive things, mostly pages with details about the characters, and some of the art is amazing, even if you watch the anime first, it's worth at least speedreading through the manga to see what kinda stuff you missed, especially chapter covers are great

Constantly using children as plot devices and killing characters off just to show how unpredictable he is.

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A follow-up, then: where can I read it? What's the best translation out there?

If you just google JoJo Colored Adventure Team you should get all the parts up to part 8 in color to download. If you wanna read black and white, or just online, I think everything is on mangadex

>Hermit Purple uses the same kind of precognition as tonpetty
one minute in and this pretentious faggot is already acting as if his headcanon is true, why did you post this video

thanks, mate.

my point exactly, the one time it was used it alerted them of a dangerous stand user, and is not like there are infinite stand users in morioh, they could eventually track kira down

araki constantly shifting character designs makes it absolutely cancer to read a part in 1 go

They'd have no idea if person that shows up in the photo is dangerous, they might just be a powerful stand user. The whole reason why Angelo showed up is because Morioh is full of stand users and Hermit Purple can't be used accurately. They can't just use it over and over again and beat up anyone that shows up in the photo