One of the most recognizsble faces in anime

>one of the most recognizsble faces in anime
Is there any other character that achieved iconic status as fast as Violet?

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Even her haters have made it clear enough that they can't forget about her.
That's for sure.

Am I the only one who thought Violet Evergarden wasn't particularly good or memorable? The visuals were stunning, but I can't say the same about the story or the characters. They weren't very original, and if I wanted to see "please cry" moments, then I'd watch a WMT anime because they're much better at those than VEG.

Literally a Saber clone bro.



Also is funny how you have so much to say about a show you dismiss as not memorable.

What makes her so unforgettable?

Literally who? That generic blonde girl spammed by that one mentally ill autist?

He's actually an iconic face

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World Masterpiece Theater
>Also is funny how you have so much to say about a show you dismiss as not memorable.
You mean writing a short paragraph about it? I could do that about any anime I've watched.

literally who

violet sucks cocks not for money, but for better understanding of love

For better or worse her character leaves an impression. Those who like her want to see her as often as possible and those who dislike her feel the need to keep criticizing her. I haven't seen a character having such an impact since Haruhi Suzumiya.

What a lovely and dedicated girl.

There are PLENTY of characters with much greater impact. One autist spamming her doesn't change that.

>I could do that about any anime I've watched
But you decided, among all of those, to comment about Violet Evergarden.

All me.

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Name five.

You're literally mentally ill. He could have posted in literally any other thread about literally any other anime 5 min ago. Making a post about an anime doesn'tt make it special. Seel help.

Yeah, because I saw a thread about Violet Evergarden and decided to voice my opinion about it. That doesn't mean anything by itself.

Saber lmao

>talking about vegemite in a vegemite thread

Name 45 or else it's pointless.

>you saw violet colored crayon with your eyes while walking down the office supplies isle at walmart 2 weeks ago?
>aha that means you're obsessed with violet evergarden, i got you hater!

Stopped reading there honestly. The guy asked you for iconic characters, not characters you personally like.

Fair enough
You got a point

She's the MC of a somewhat recent popular anime show, is it really such a riddle? You probably can recognize Naruto, Luffy, Deku, Kirito, Okabe Rintarou, Eren and many others just from the top of my head just as easily.

He asked for characters that gives you an impression. Not that they're iconic. Goku is fucking iconic but he doesn't leave much of an impression. A conman that you either love or hate does.

None of the characters save for Kamina and Shinobu really left an impression though

This sarcasm in which you obviously put some thought shows that you can't look away when people is discussing Violet Evergarden.

Objectively more than Violet, which really isn't very much of a high threshold. One autist spending his days spamming her doesn't change that.

>Objectively more than Violet

As much as I love Kamina his chance to be a better character was cut short. People mostly remember him for dying early in the series.

Yes, OBJECTIVELY. Literally go to any normalfag site like MAL and see which characters people favorite aka left an impression on them.


Oh no no no no

Who's that?


ok, now this is based